Meeting started at 5:24
People in attendance: Heidi, Jacob, Hayg, Mary, Sam, Josh, Jessica, Andy, Jessica, Angie
- Have been approved and will be set up
(0) Starting up e-talk speaker series again
ConstantContact should be send to HKN
Hayg will found speakers if he wants those
Publicity with pictures is something that CSUA should do?
Jacob will look into CalTV rentals
Sam will reserve rooms
(1) Starting up nighttime kingpin runs to the 2nd floor again
Ask hosers if they are willing to pick up donuts
Sam will ask them
(2) Should we have the first hour of a Hack Night double as an idea mixer
If you want to brainstorm with people, we could leave a table out
We will leave a table out
(3) Do we want to coordinate with Innod in any way? Would bringing in designers be of interest to coders at our Hack Nights (just a wild idea, sam’s meeting with them already anyway.)
- We would not be pursuing Innod
(4) WhiteTruffle?
- wants us to send to our job list, an ad for their product
(5) Town Hall input
IEEE, HKN, CSUA, H@B, what are you thoughts on Soda resources
Nothing is too small
Sam is going to post on Piazza
Classroom announcements
Hopefully gets sent out tomorrow
Lan Party +, party
it happened (jacob)
Variety of Sancks (mary)
Attendance (Josh)
Good enough (andy)
Advertising was good (Jacob)
variety of games (jessica)
Angie was here (Angie)
Drinks (Angie, josh)
People were playing different games everywhere
Someone got more food (Josh)
Crisis management
Jacob did not show up (jacob)
not enough food (mary, josh)
No LoL (sam)
People dominated the computers (Andy)
Too much onion dip >:(
No caprisun
Reach out to Starcraft clubs
not enough energy drinks
Katz, developer
Posters will be up this week, Sam
March 9
Yelp, doing it, they have a problem,
Going to involve using some of their data
May involve an NDA
March 17,
Invoice: 2500, Jacob will figure out the money
GitHub Repo
- We will announce to people on Facebook
Startup Fair
- Will still be emailing more company
They want to do an event with us
Demo Day (next semester)
Meeting adjourned at 6:12PM