(1) CFG
no company yet for CFG
We give them the option of giving them a resume
Company’s biggest obstacle is getting the engineers there
Find a compnay
Don’t need to bring an engineer
April 13 @ 6pm
(2) CSUA Assassins
Mary will be in charge of this
More information will be forthcoming
There will be prizes
Person who lives the longest
person who kills the most
(3) Alumni BBQ
April 14th, 6pm start time
Hayg is in charge of prep and clean up
Alumni is more than welcome to come early and mingle
(4) Harvey email
- David Culler’s reaction to Harvey’s email is different from his reaction to Heidi
(5) Paintball
- 4/7 with UPE, HKN
(6) HackNight
Talk to a16z about sponsorship
engineer might be sent
- Tell him/her to bring something to work on
Work together with H@B
(7) Dinner with Professors
- April 5, 7pm @ Zatars with PapaD
(8) Room Reservation
Problems with H@B
They are using the Woz without reserving
Talk to H@B is still not appropriately using the space
Talk to Harvey first to figure out a course of action
(9) Computing Infrastructure Updates
Things have been updated
purple is currently borked.
Cables have been cleaned up
can log into csua account on the mac mini
2 week time to get all your game saves from the local machines
Things Jessica needs to do
Talk to Millicent about invoices
Buy fridge
buy microwave
advertising for CFG
Alumni BBQ