Meeting started at 6:11PM
People in attendance: Mary, Heidi, Hayg, Sam, Jessica, Jordan, Angie, Josh
CFG 2 +/deltas
Company knew exactly what to expect [Sam]
Crisis Management [Jessica]
Correct amount of zachary pizza
Prizes were good
Lot of people
good CSUA turnout
No powerpoint presentation [Sam]
car accident +++++++++ [Jessica]
late information
- loopholes
late information
BBQ +/deltas
Good crisis management on liquid nitrogen
liquid nitrogen
people socializing
good food
good job advice from cool alumni
good turnout
NOT A BBQ (was burritos)
possible chemical residue
not enough alumni
liquid nitrogen prepartaion
- unplanned
Earlier in the semester
Future of Politburo
Discussion ensues
We need to figure this out
Sam is planning on staying in politburo
Mary/Nate running for president (maybe)
Politburo retreat (most like)
- Heidi will send out email asking for volunteers
Room reservation
- have been done
Future politburo things to do
Etalk to
H@B event
next semester
demo day-like?
collaborating w/ Armando
- we are super down to do this
Hoser responsibilities
Things that jessica needs to do
- talk to millicent (go monday)