Changes to constitution
- As sent out before, the 4 constitutional changes will be implemented
Politburo Nominations
President Nominees
Mary Stufflebeam
- Everyone here knows who I am, my name is Mary. Maybe that one kid in the back who doesn’t know me. So, I want to be president of this club. i have put a lot of work into it. I have done the Hackathon and implement the Hacknights. i really care about the clubs. i have been appointed to a position that will allow me to work with the department. I am going to make politburo more transparent by opening more channels of communication.
Jacob Newman
- My opponent, who frankly has shorter hair, than I am used to. I am running on the compassionate side of the campaign. Since I have been blessed by the god, by not being in an unsustainable situation of totalling a car every semester. (As her track record shows) Go ahead, don’t vote for me and see what happens.
Q & A
Mary Stufflebeam
- I do not want to be a totalitarian dictator (like Ian [as said by Heidi])
Jacob Newman
How are you baby-killing habits?
- They can’t really blame me for killing babies.
Resigned on the spot
President: Mary Stufflebeam
VP indrel
Nate Rockenbach
This speech boils down to I am not shitty enough that i would lose due to no-confidence. I have learned a lot during my search as stated here:
develop more long term relationships
get sponsors for a long time for hacknights
want to make sure that we have companies on the ready
I got liquid nitrogen
Hayg Astourian [Almost ran away]
- I lost the second he said liquid nitrogen.
Q & A
Nate Rockenbach
I have a decent class load. I have plenty of time to give to CSUA
He might be here for two semesters.…
We don’t have updated information
maintaining good contact by keeping companies updating
passing knowledge onto my sucessors
Hayg Astourian
- Has run away already...at this point
VP indrel: Nate Rockenbach
VP tech
Zach Bush
- Honestly, I wasn’t really considering on running for a posisiton. I have been wanting to get involve with politburo in the past. I feel like it is a good time for someone new to come in. I am most likely going to be here for another 3 semesters.
Josh Hawn
- I am the current tech VP. I would say that everything has been ok this semester. There was an issue earlier semester, LDAP went down. I fixed the LDAP fiasco well. Setting up the linux mirror. I had a lot of help from ediliac from that. From that, I also made a plan to do in the next semester. I already talked to Jessica about getting a new server rack for the server room. Power distribution in the server room isn’t that bad. I will have plenty of time … by taking a Hilfinger class
Jordan Salter
- I guess that I am the long haired oponent this time. I am lazy don’t vote for me. I will do it if I am voted it in.
Q & A
what would you do if someone accidently locked root out.
Zach Bush
- I would ask for help. I wouldn’t know off hand how to fix that. I consider it a skill of mine to learn how to fix things on my own.
If not elected, would you still be willing to work with the Tech VP?
- Everyone says yes.
If not elected, what other position would you do?
- External events
- Internal Events
- I don’t even want this job
What is your workload?
- cs164 with hilfinger
facilitating MSDOCX
Are you planning anything new?
one thing that i want to do is to get github enterprise. (Get a github server going)
Website...I will work on it
- I don’t have a clear idea.…another small reason why i want to run for this. I want to publicize what we have.
- I have 0 grand plans :D Somebody should reboot the web server
What do you think of our documentation?
2 google docs and 1 email :/
As far as we have our things set up, there is not a lot of hard information. I want to keep a log of everything
Account forms are still on paper
- If we ever get subpoenaed for pirating files, we can pull out a piece of paper
Discussion was had. Not typed for privacy.
VP tech: Zach
- Jessica Pan
Sec/Treas: Jessica Pan
Sam Dove
- She brought a powerpoint... I have included this in these minutes
Outreach: Sam Dove
External Events
Rodney Folz
- vote for me... All of your dreams will come true
External Events: Rodney
Internal Events
- Josh Hawn.