Meeting starting at 7:04
People in attendance: Rodney, Mary, Jessica, Zach, Josh, Nate, Sam, Heidi
(1) Politburo Retreat
- Fill out the form
(2) Events and Room Schedulings for Next Semester
Rooms will need to be booked (schedule remains the same)
Jessica will teach people how to reserve rooms
(3) Logo -- TJ’s got another presentation
- didn’t happen
(4) Getting Involved Brochure
Will be talked about at retreat?
Deadline will be at:
Jessica will talk to millicent aobu
(5) GM 3 +/deltas
Good Food
Speed of voting
No one voting for beer bucket
Jacob running with Wayne as a proxy
Not a lot of people
Everyone is graduating
Non-vegan food only
Almost all of us ran unopposed
poorly planned
Started late
(6) Painting the Office over the summer/Redecoration
Paint the room and office
Administration is willing to repaint the office for us, we need to provide times
Posters will be bought
Sam will be in charge of painting the room over the summer
(7) Card key over the summer
- Jessica will be sending out a form for people to fill out
(8) Demo Day with H@B
Talk with H@B later tonight
Mary is in charge of this
Get a bunch of startups
Students grade industry and industry grade students (Startups might be interested)
Doable but a lot of work
(9) PHD Movie Night +/deltas
It’s-it’s [++]
Had an internal event
Hayg delegated way too late (6 hours)
Kind of late, fell asleep [Josh]
Saturday Night was a terrible time
Planned late
during other stuff
Movie was not as good as advertised
hayg did not get the key, Jessica had to go get the key
Bad communication
(10) Javascript Meetups and RoR Meetups
RoR meetups
organized by a guy at pivotal lab
3rd tuesday of every month
Only people who are not students show up
Josh Hawn will be in charge of running them
Javascript Meetings
No decision made
Need more information (Will they let students come?)
(11) Hack nights: what to do with them next semester
What do want to do with them/
- Light snacks? actual hacking? real food?
Tabled until politburo Retreat
(12) New Constitution ratified
- Jessica will get it done by talking to Millicent tomorrow
(14) Technological Infrastructure Projects -- set in motion?
Setting in motion the git enterprise
Get things on the table out in the open
(15) Food at politburo meeting
- You have to be there (all of them)
(16) Bring a hoser to politburo
- Bring a hoser to meeting :D
(17) Hosers
8 hours a week?
Tabled for now.
Rodney will send it out to politburo
Meeting ended at 8:02