Meeting started at 8:09

People in attendance: Jessica Pan, Josh Hawn, Mary Stufflebeam, Sam Dove, Zach Bush, Rodney Folz, Ian Sarmiento, Andy Toulouse

We will have a new meeting time: Monday @ 9PM (July 2)

  1. Organizational Things

    a. People are using Asana (it helps people keep track of things that they say that they are going to do)

    b. Tag versus projects

    i.  We need to change this, a person is more than welcome to
        reorganize it as need be

    c. Tweaking Asana: Deadlines. Do you assign them yourself or assignee does? always next pb meeting or no?

    ii. Jessica will be the one assigning deadlines after excomm

    d. Tweaking Asana: Adding Actions. Should each person add their own action items to asana so they know they’re there, or should 1 person add them. what makes you feel more comfortable?

    iii. Jessica will do this one too
  2. Events

    e. New event ideas: ace cs classes workshops, land that job interview workshops-- formal ways to distribute our knowledge

    iv. So a way to share our knowledge We can hold workshops like
        that to boost people's confidence
    v.  So this is something that we want to do but we won't do
        anything about it just yet
    vi. Treat by event by event basis

    f. Startup fair

    vii. representative: Jessica, Mary, (someone else)

    g. Amusement Park Tix and Planning

    viii. So 6/30 \$50 for a season pass and fast lane for 1 day

    h. Computer Science Groups Calapalooza thing

    ix. ???????
    x.  Have we heard back from other clubs?
    xi. Tabled if/when we hear back from other clubs

    i. Joint frisbee with H@B

    xii. Rodney will be planning it
    xiii. August 17th (24th)
    xiv. We need to fill out a food form, large events form, serving
        pizza and soda
    xv. Sam will get a large standing banner

    j. Ness

    xvi. Talked to
    xvii. Agreed to sponsor hack nights for \$1000 for 6 nights

    k. EA

    xviii.  sent him 2 games
    xix. just go ahead and not have the events
  3. Build-a-bear logo creation

    l. We picked something, we would be able to see it

  4. Study lounge’s accent wall- choose a color

    m. Teal it is then

  5. Announce emails -- Are they being sent out? Who is approving them?

    n. Emails can go out only with official emails

  6. jobs postings -- why are there none?

    o. This will deal with this later

  7. csua account creating during summer --who’s around?

    p. Josh and Zach will create a system

    xx. [[]{.underline}](
        (if it's running)

    q. 1 week deadline

    r. Get rid of the questions

    xxi. Content mary will do
    xxii. 2 week deadline till next politburo meeting
  8. Officers

    s. Door code will change August 16th

    t. Jessica will be doing this