Minutes from 07/02/2012

Meeting started at 9:17

People in attendance: Mary, Sam, Rodney, Jessica, Josh

  1. Feedback -- how’s asana going

  2. Standups

    a. Sam

    i.  Painting on July 11
    ii. Everything else is going well

    b. Jessica

    iii. officer forms will be out by the end of this week
    iv. Need to email tj specially

    c. Mary

    v.  Google Glasses, probably
    vi. New membership application

    d. Rodney

    vii. Frisbee/ pizza thing august 24th
        1.  memorial glade
    viii. Sunday 26th
        2.  pepe's pizza (maybe)

    e. Josh

    ix. long email to borden about the plans for CSUA servers
    x.  design a script for someone like sam to use on soda to queue
        new user request
    xi. investigate weird spam
  3. group photo time

    f. When everyone is back in berkeley

  4. Officer’s application

    g. will be released at the end of the week

  5. Next meeting will be July 30

  6. great america plus deltas (next week)

NEXT MEETING: July 30th 9pm