Minutes for July 30 ExComm Meetings Starting at 8:05
People in attendance: Sam, Nate, Josh, Jessica, Mary, Andy, Josh
1. CFGs:
2.Companies we Want
3.How to pitch it to companies
2. Budgets for Events: Jessica needs them 3 weeks in advance
1.Things that Jessica would need
○Purpose of events aka what is this event
○what is the actual budget
○Why do you think this budget is sufficient?
○What are you spending this budget on?
○What are the pros and cons of this event?
○Do we have co-sponsors?
○If we have co-sponsors, what are their roles in this event?
○What is the quasi-agenda on the event?
○Logistics for event?
3. Hackerspace on Euclid
1.Do we want to ask our 2000 alumni for help with funding?
2.Do we want to do it?
3.What is it?
4.Who would be in charge of it?
They wanted us to email out to the the alumni list to see if they want to help with funding. When people reply, ExComm would need to respond back individually. Ask them to talk to noisebridge. We do not want to send an email out for funding.
4. Infosessions
1.Do we want them? (needs cost/benefit analysis)
We will be doing infosessions
5. EECS-palooza
a. We are doing it, extended to all eecs-sponsored club
b. Mainly an advertisement push August 27th
6. Upcoming Events (Just a Timeline)
1.August 24th: Welcome Week Frisbee
a.has been almost cleared
2.August 26th: Pizza
a.has not been cleared by jpan
b.aka, jessica needs way more information
3.August 27th: Eecsapalooza
4.August 31st: Welcome BBQ
5.September 7th: Ice Cream Social
6.September 9th: First Hack night
7.September 11th: GM1
8.September 14th: Lan Party
9.September 21st: Hackathon!
10.October 5th: CFG1
6. Officer forms going out. I need people to give it a one over
7. The semester is about to start! Let’s plan our next couple of meetings.
8 Big push for officers to do events once the semester starts
9. New members form out?
Welcome Week Events Meeting
1.The Frisbee part of it: what exactly we’re doing
2.Pepe’s Pizza: Logistics and purpose
4.Welcome week bbq
First hand on deck with all officers, Aug 23
Jessica is going to deal with meals with professor