People in attendance: Sam, Jacob, Heidi, Tirumari, Josh, Nate R, Hayg, Mary, Jessica
Started at 7:08
CalDay +/deltas
We talked to people
Looked responsible
Flexible/move to soda
Sam cleaned up the office
Surplus of drinks
Everyone was friendly and approachable
Josh: instead of people tabling, leave a sign saying “Sproul is always like this, if you find this boring, go to soda”
Need more volunteers earlier
Schedule unknown
Started out unorganized
Everyone picked a certain amount of time
Coordinate with department
No demo :(
Tabling on sproul was useless
Assassin +/deltas
Lots of fun
some immunities were fun
Sam wrote hilfinger level emails
Everyone got into it
If you die early, it is not fun [josh]
game-master leakage
People can die 24/7. write a script to send out person’s name
Hayg died
Don’t revoke office, class immunities
clarifying lying/etc rules
reorganized the targets
What food are we getting
Hayg will do it
PHD movie nights
HP auditorium
Tuesday, May 1 (Tentative)
- Have been approved
- Cute little bear and has been attached
Meeting ended at 7:55