Minutes for 4/16/13
1. Jobs mailing list
2. workshops
3. Cal day table
4. Ice cream social
5. faculty retreat
6. Brian Harvey “retiring”
7. 5 person pb
8. office buy list
1. Ice Cream Social
a. Nate will bring the liquid nitrogen
b. Pedro and Eric will buy the supplies
c. Hina has been advertising
2. Jobs mailing list
a. Do we want a mailing list to send out job listings?
b. Lets clear the mailing list, and send an email to announce to see if they want to be on this mailing list,
c. It will be Indrel’s job to send the job postings to announce
3. Workshops
a. Should we look into having workshops akin to what H@B does?
b. Would people be interested?
c. What would people be interested in?
d. Nate suggests doing a workshop with CSUA alum speaking about industry experience
e. Jeff will reserve the room
4. Cal Day Table
a. We will be having a table infront of 306 SODA with our banner
b. we will also be giving tours
c. will be selling drinks as well
5. Faculty Retreat
a. This Thrusday, Hina is going
b. Is held in some hotel? Far away? unclear
c. Is there anything we want to bring up to faculty?
1. nope
6. Brian Harvey Retiring..ahem..”retiring”
a. Rahul wants to have something for him, like an event
b. Take him to dinner
c. Make it a dinner with professors
d. Rahul will be in charge of this
e. Apparently Harvey can no longer eat Dim Sum due to doctor’s orders
7. Office Buy List
a. Bananagrams -- yes!
b. Chess set -- yes!
c. Avalon -- yes, give to Han
d. Taboo -- no
e. cards against humanity -- yes
f. new hoser fridge
a. repair current fridge or throw it away
g. camera for taking pictures
a. point and shoot, cheapo digital camera
b. yeah, why not, $100 budget
h. vacuum cleaner
a. No, we can borrow one from the department
i. Zip car membership
a. we would have to have one person with a zipcar account
j. Clock -- yes
8. Costco Delivery
a. should we have costco deliver?
b. We wouldn’t be able to get frozen food
c. Make it easier on those who do costco runs
9. Rackspace Open Stack Training Session (4 days)
a. What is our contribution?
1. they are paying?
b. Andy will look into it, Mary will help as well
c. May be hard to do this semester as not much time is left
d. We will look into this for next semester
10. Google Glass
a. we are on the pre-order list, do we still want to pay for them?
b. about $1,200
c. Would be available for people to program for
d. may be used to advertise for the club
e. We could hold a semester-long competition for coding for these
f. what do we want to do with them?
a. feature them for Hack+ nights
11. AirBears
a. get a wired AirBears port?
b. Collin will be in charge of setting up and sending out a form about switching internet connection to 5 Ghz
12. Five Person Politburo
a. Do we want to create a proposal for an amendment for this
b. pros
1. closer knit group
2. More accountability
3. easier communication/less bureaucracy
c. cons
1. more work for position
2. Less positions for people who want to help out
d. We should open up this discussion for officers
e. politburo would be successful whatever the size if people just contribute
f. what actually is the distinction between politburo and officers
g. Should we have a town-hall to discuss this?
1. We would need a time for people to meet, and a place
2. Talk about the direction of the club, etc
3. Have it during dead week, or before GM3
4. Nate will be in charge of planning the moderation of the townhall meeting
13. Approve Officers
a. Cherie is now an officer!