[CSUA Planning Retreat / Politburo Retreat]{.underline}
[Decisions/Minutes + Agenda]{.underline}
[Present:]{.underline} Heidi Galbraith, Mary Stufflebeam, Nathan Rockenbach, Josh Hawn, Zach Bush, Jessica Pan, Samantha Dove, Rodney Folz, Hayg Austorian, and Angie Song.
[Beginning of Decisions/Minutes:]{.underline}
[Table of Contents:]{.underline}
[New Weekly Meetings]{.underline}
[New Services]{.underline}
[New Events]{.underline}
[New Events System]{.underline}
[New Officers / Hosers]{.underline}
[New Room Reservations]{.underline}
[New Reimbursements]{.underline}
[New Libraries]{.underline}
[New Commitments]{.underline}
[New Asana]{.underline}
[New Membership Approvals]{.underline}
[New Officer Approvals]{.underline}
[New Hoser Approvals]{.underline}
[New Room Furnishings]{.underline}
[New Room Cleaning]{.underline}
[Proposed Constitutional Changes]{.underline}
[New Words (words are important)]{.underline}
[Miscellaneous Minutes]{.underline}
[Pushed to Next Meeting]{.underline}
[Action Items]{.underline}
[Decisions made at Politburo Retreat]{.underline}
[New Weekly Meetings]{.underline}
. Politburo meetings are henceforth renamed to CSUA meetings. Their function is the same (officers report, we communicate, everyone is encouraged to come).
. We will hold summer meetings every other week on google+ hangouts beginning Wednesday June 20th at 8pm sharp. At each summer meeting, we will discuss items previously added to the agenda, which is a public google doc.
. The CSUA office will be reserved for 2 hours each week for our fall semester CSUA meetings. The format will be officer reports, getting us all on the same page, and discussion followed by a free dinner. Everyone participating in the meeting gets in on the dinner. During the meeting there will be no loud or repetitive noise to disrupt us.
. The CSUA meetings will have an open agenda google doc to which everyone can add items they would like discussed at the upcoming meeting. Please write 2 sentences of description explaining your idea! 3-word descriptions tend to be ambiguous rather than concise. Items not added to the agenda will have the lowest priority and may be skipped over.
. Time of fall semester meetings will be in flux the first two weeks and will solidify as our schedules harden. These meeting times will be announced.
. We will try to increase hoser involvement in the meetings by choosing a good time to have them (e.g. no longer late on sunday night).
[New Services]{.underline}
. HackNights are henceforth defined as a service we provide. We provide a room for community gathering, akin to proving the Study Lounge or the CSUA. HackNights will be sponsored by 3-4 large companies who know exactly what they’re donating for.
[New Events]{.underline}
. New CFGs. We’re thinking of renaming CFGs to something less homeless and to something more exciting. We’re thinking of announcing a theme for each CFG to clear some of the mystery surrounding the event. We’re thinking of creating the challenge ourselves around a theme and then inviting experts from the themed field to come and judge. Experts would presumably be from multiple companies.
. Hayg’s idea for a CFGlike coding challenge, as Sam remembers it:
Theme: cloud computing problem. Judges: experts in the field. Challenge: optimize the baseline version/hayg’s “not folding” problem/trying to sufficiently break up a problem. Baseline: give students a naive working version/round robin baseline. Judging: objectively measure speed each program takes to finish, or most completed project.
. Sam is running an ice cream social on 9/7 with ln2, approved by pburo.
. Zayd is running Hack the CSUA late July.
. Hayg will be starting an AI league. The first competition will probably be an iterative Prisoner's Dilemma.
. The first weekend of school, we will have a hangout recruiting event on Memorial Glade
. may partner with starcraft league to hold an event
. 48hr build-a-game coding competition idea proposed by Rodney
. ‘freshmen, meet CS clubs’ idea proposed by Heidi (csua, h@b, upe, hkn, ieee, awe)
. calapalooza people know we’ve requested a table
. first JavaScript meetup went well: 95 coming, 25 showed up, 4 of them students.
. new JavaScript Meetup is June 21 @ 6:30. Should be good. Same signup as last time.
[New Events System]{.underline}
. Old events/traditional events are done by internal/external events, with personal touches.
. Now any general member can hold an event that they propose. Event idea? Let’s do it!
. New events have to be approved by a majority vote of the politburo.
. What we need: name of event, time, location, budget, and a description.
. We’ll help.
. How a user sees it working:
. I am a dream-filled cs student at CAL.
. I have an event idea that I would like to run and have CSUA pay for it.
. I will contact Politburo somehow. I can email them, talk to a member who can bring my idea to a meeting, go to a meeting myself, or make contact some other way.
. I will get assigned a mentor to help me.
. The officers will fund it, advertise for it, and will reserve the room for me.
. I will plan the logistics of the event and run it day of.
. How our officers see it working:
. It’s our collective responsibility to reply to anyone wanting to throw an event. When the user is ready, encourage him/her to attend a CSUA meeting. At the meeting, a mentor will be solidified and the user will commit to the event idea really happening. After the meeting/during dinner, the mentor will get them going on how to plan / run an event. The mentor is responsible for reserving the room, helping when necessary, making the experience fun, updating progress on Asana, and making sure the ball isn’t dropped.
[New Officers / Hosers]{.underline}
. If a decision is proposed at a CSUA meeting, and that proposition directly involves hosers, the proposition will be emailed out so even people who weren’t present at the meeting can have a chance to contribute to the discussion and help reach a decision.
. As such, all of the following will be emailed out to hosers.
. Motion to split office-hosers@csua into two mailing lists has already been emailed out and discussed. We voted on it at the retreat and the motion passes: We will make the split and name them office-hosers@csua and officers\@csua. office-hosers\@csua is for old crusties, newly grads, and current officers/hosers to be a community. officers@csua is for important club-related emails and announcements.
. We want to bring back the ‘officer’ in office-hoser to the club. There should be a distinction made between officers and hosers. Officers are current active members who want to contribute to the club. Officers are on officers@csua and have expectations such as keeping the CSUA office open, handling the money, and helping incomers. As always they will gain things, such as being in the office alone, receiving a tab, etc. Hosers are part of our culture. Hosers have no responsibilities other than to hose. Hosers is our name for us. Whoever is in on our internal events is a hoser.
. Officers / hosers are not required to attend the CSUA meetings, only politburo has that responsibility, but we are encouraging you to attend and are making it easy to do so.
[New Membership Approvals]{.underline}
. We’re redoing our general membership application, as it’s so old we don’t have it stored electronically. We’re moving to an online form requiring the calnet authentication system. Undecided whether we have to see your face to fill out the form or if it can be done remotely, as we’re giving resources like a lifetime account and server space. If you are interested in contributing to this, talk to Zach (zmbush@gmail.com)
. Lifetime server space, free web hosting, a community, and space to study,relax, or hack.
[New Officer Approvals]{.underline}
. Officers need to apply each semester and must be approved by a unanimous vote of politburo, just as office-hosers were approved last semester.
. Expected to contribute to the running of the club.
. man the CSUA
. manage an event or hacknight a semester
. help bring in new members
. Help with setup and cleanup of events
. Tab board, can be in the CSUA alone.
[New Hoser Approvals]{.underline}
The term hoser applies to any non-officer that hangs around regularly. They do not get the priviledges of an officer.
. hose
. access to internal events
. ‘fun’ mailing list
[New Room Reservations]{.underline}
. Any officer may reserve a room.
. To learn how, refer to Josh’s excellent video.
. If the event is after school hours, it costs the club $42 a night. Therefore, tell the treasurer when you are reserving a room, period.
[New Reimbursements]{.underline}
. Write the following in pen on your physical receipt: [what it’s for] & [date].
. Write your name, address, phone #, and student id and paper clip it to the physical receipt.
. Put your receipt & information in the front of the reimbursement binder in the CSUA
. Wait 1 week.
. Collect your reimbursement forms from the back of the reimbursement binder.
. Turn the forms in to 400 Eshleman.
. Wait 1 week.
. If under $50, pick up cash at 400 Eshleman. If over $50, a check will be mailed to you.
. If over $500, you can request a cash advance from the CSUA account and avoid fronting any money yourself. Cash advances must be requested at least 2 weeks prior to when you spend the CSUA’s money. SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS. This isn’t your money. The treasurer still has to fill out the forms. The ASUC still needs the original receipts. Don’t take the cash advance and run. Save your receipts. To request a cash advance, email the treasurer at treasurer@csua.
. A printed copy of a bank statement can replace a lost receipt.
. Cash advances under $500 require approval by the treasurer on a case by case basis.
[New Libraries]{.underline}
. We are moving all the dated cs texts into a bookcase in the Study Lounge.
. We are buying all the cs course textbooks here at CAL and will be duct-taping their spines neon pink. These books are to remain on CSUA premises at all times with a checkout system yet to be established. These books have to be shared amongst all of us, so there will be a time constraint.
[New Commitments]{.underline}
. Every politburo member has to come up with 4-5 long term goals they wish to accomplish during their semester. These goals will be approved by the president & former president. These are goals that will be completed.
. State your goals, break them down into smaller pieces, and assign metrics for measuring progress on them
. Format:
a. state what you want to achieve
b. break down how you want to achieve it
c. decide how each achievement will be measured.
[New Asana]{.underline}
. We will be trying out a new task management tool to create attack plans for accomplishing our commitments. The goal here is to stop dropping the ball.
. Each project on asana will be broken down into action items, which are assigned to a member after he/she has agreed to do them.
. You may delegate action items by re-assigning them to someone else, but they have to have agreed to it beforehand.
. If you want someone to do something, put that ‘something’ on the agenda for politburo. At the meeting, ‘someone’ will agree/commit to doing it. After the meeting, asana can be updated to reflect that decision.
. If you want to do something, go ahead and put it on the appropriate Asana project and assign it to yourself. Add it to the agenda/be sure to report what you’re doing at the meetings.
[New Room Furnishings]{.underline}
. We will repaint the CSUA, including the ceiling, steam clean the carpet, buy all new furniture for the room, create more open space, and do away with clutter by Aug 23.
. We are looking into also repainting the Study Lounge.
. We are keeping the lounge classy, i.e. hanging 1 or 2 framed posters in the lounge.
. We are buying many posters to hang up in the CSUA, college dorm room style.
[New Room Cleaning]{.underline}
* Since the janitors now clean less often, we’re making ‘smelly trash’ a part of daily office cleaning.
. When ‘daily office cleaning’ is announced, everyone in the room drops what they’re doing and for 5 minutes cleans up the space in their immediate vicinity. Instead of cleaning, one or two people should take the smelly trash to the dumpster behind Etcheverry. We have the key.
* ‘daily office cleaning’ should probably have a set time AND a popcorn time.
. Established Daily Time: If there’s mess at the set time, anyone in the room can call a daily-office cleaning.
. Popcorn time: At any moment, in addition to the set time, an officer (if there’s mess) can call a daily-office cleaning
[Proposed Constitutional Changes]{.underline}
* ‘politburo’ is an inside joke within our club. We’re thinking of keeping it extant but internal, as we are thinking of doing with ‘hosers.’ We’re not sure what to rename politburo yet.
[New Words (*words are important)]{.underline}
Member -- anyone with an account. You have an account (for logging into our computers), you hear about our hugely public events, and you are on our mailing lists.
Us -- anyone invite-able to our more internal events.
. Officer -- anyone who contributes to the working of the CSUA.
. Hoser -- a term for ‘one of us, one of us,’ i.e. anyone who hangs around a lot but isn’t an officer.
. politburo -- an officer with a named position and a beginning-startup level of work.
The CSUA -- refers to 311 Soda
Study Lounge -- refers to 343 Soda
HackNights -- refers to a service we provide. We provide a room for community gathering and fill it with engineers.
[Miscellaneous Minutes:]{.underline}
. github never responded about enterprise
. Ness requested to let us design tshirts for hacknights, we told them no.
. We voted to not have any kind of shirt at all for hack nights.
[Pushed to Next Meeting:]{.underline}
. new event ideas: ace cs classes workshops, land that job interview workshops
. build-a-bear logo creation
. startup fair
[Action Items:]{.underline}
. heidi will email 6 cs clubs about the ‘freshmen, meet 6 cs clubs’ event
. heidi & sam will play build-a-bear
. heidi & jessica will write in a collab google doc to share knowledge everyone should know
. mary will introduce sam to JS meetup leadership
. mary will write emails to tell hosers about decisions we reached here.
. mary will email h@b about demo day.
. mary & zach will get nate contacts with their respective companies for the new cfg.
. mary/nate will write the content of the membership application
. nate will tell ness sternly no for hacknights tshirts
. nate/mary will write the content of the membership application
. nate & rodney will brainstorm a 48hr themed game-creation hackathon
. nate will brainstorm small interesting ‘fad’ companies (for judging at our awesome events or for students to be introduced to at our awesome events)
. jessica will decide & share with sam how lounge should be painted.
. jessica will talk to sergio about getting a key for the lounge so she doesnt have to give same her key during painting
. jessica will clarify with mary on getting a keybox/container for the lounge like hkn’s
. jessica & heidi will write in a collab google doc to share knowledge everyone should know
. jessica will send lily a welcoming gift. allegio.
. jessica will redo officer application, incl question “what do you want to help with,” requiring them to list their preferences in order (required for stable marriage algorithm to work)
. sam will initialize the knowledge everyone should know document with fill-ins
. sam will email michael david about the 3 hacknights (sunday of deadweek & week 3 & 4), hackathon kickoff, and the ice cream social
. sam will ask about painting lounge as well.
. sam will take point on next js meetup
. sam & heidi will play build-a-bear
. sam will get the 169 prof’s suggestions for etalks.
. sam will make officer tshirts for wearing at events
. rodney will look into reserving memorial glade
. rodney will brainstorm a new cfg system, including event name and tweaking of things, possibly where we come up with the challenge. objective: make a cool awesome 3hr coding challenge while also making sure the sponsoring company avoids the $1500 ILP fee charged for each recruitment event held within cs departmental buildings.
. rodney & nate will brainstorm a 48hr themed game-creation hackathon
. josh will find out how to rent boats
. josh will discover how/where to rent grills.
. josh/zach will write membership creation app. (mary/nate will write the content).
. zach & mary will get nate contacts with their respective companies for the new cfg.
. zach will split hosers into two mailing lists: office-hosers@csua & officers@csua
. zach/josh will write membership creation app. (mary/nate will write the content).
. zach will find a way to lock people out of soda or ldap.
***next meeting: wed june 20 8pm g+***
[Ending of Decisions/Minutes]{.underline}
[Agenda for CSUA Planning Retreat, formerly Politburo Retreat]{.underline}
Pre-Meeting: ——————————————————————————————————————— Rules (treat people well, be courteous, communicate if you need a break, etc) Go over Timeline Members explain why they added something to the agenda so you understand; and they introduce what they had in mind. Purpose: to alert us & to give us time to think about what we want. Mention Commitments: a. What you want to achieve b. How you plan on achieving it c. How your success can be measured StandUps (News): 3 minutes each person reports news regarding what they've been doing CSUAwise since we last met. If you have enjoyed your summer, just say "nothing to update you with." e.g. Nate talks about what he's been doing with companies e.g. Jessica reports on progress made remodeling the office
Meeting: ———————————————————————————————————————————————————– The purpose of this meeting is to plan. 4 Main Topics: StandUps (Hopes & Dreams): Everyone ran for this position because they have something that they want to get done. You all have something that you want to change or want changed or want to see happen. 10 minutes, make your hopes & dreams speak to us. say whatever you want. Passing on of Knowledge: Things your successor should know (aka Binders): Binders include any advice you would pass on, areas you wish you had improved, in addition to: . Resources -- detail the resources you used (such as contact information of companies, receipts or records of food at each event) . Event Breakdown -- break each event down line by line, detailing how your office contributed . Pitfalls -- include a list of pitfalls and things to avoid . Awesome -- include a list of things that worked wonders for you . Expectation -- give your successor an expectation of how long things take, perhaps by including timelines. . Templates -- give your successor template emails, flyers, forms, etc to build off of. . Examples -- give your successor examples / teach them how to do things important to your office, such as writing professionally or photoshop tricks Circle Time: We'll discuss our understand of our own job with each other and our understandings of each others jobs so that we will all understand what we are doing. Things everyone on Politburo should know: Here's how this works: W think about things that everyone on politburo should know, and as those thoughts come to us, we write them down in the first way we can. examples: e.g. the name of some soda hall staff member and how she/he is important to us e.g. a company we worked with, including main point of contact and whether we would work with them again e.g. agreements with the building staff, such as our key to the trash bins e.g. anything we should know about bad relations or places to tread lightly with people e.g. the specific details companies should include in their jobs listings (they come into the office all the time asking to post to jobs) e.g. the current cash drawer system (small bills go where? twenties go where?) Throughout the weekend, we will pause to add these thoughts to the google doc made for this purpose. By the end, we will have compiled all the knowledge everyone on politburo should know. Solutions: Each of us will stand up and propose plans to put our hopes & dreams in action. First speaker will be highlighted in parens Many things we discuss here correspond to their 'votes' section, as they require decision-making on our part. New Meetings (Mary): Meetings will start a couple weeks before the school semester begins since hackathon is so early. How many of you will not be around? Meeting times will be solidified a couple weeks into the semester, once everyone's schedules have solidified. How I propose to run the meetings (Mary) vote on some stuff . format of the 2 meetings to be held before august 23 * meet during weekend * meet via google+ hangout . rename to csua meetings . move meeting to office . run the meetings the way mary proposes . meeting format: *keep current format (1 1/2hr dinner/visiting and 1hr report-style) * keep current format but shorten dinner/visiting to 1/2 hr * scratch visiting, only have report-style portion & eat during meeting * no food! no reward for u. . have csua pay full cost of dinner * pburo only (note: some of us can't pay $10-15 to eat out that often) * everyone at meeting, but random whether we pitch in or not * something else . have the minutes be a collaborative google doc * collaborative google doc * jpan does all the work * someone records action items, second person records minutes * something entirely different discuss some other stuff: . action items & why they're important New Hosers (): vote on some stuff: renaming hoser (v) . rename 'hosers' . schism office-hosers list-serv *office-all & office-hosers to be the new names discuss some stuff: . What qualities are in your ideal hoser? / how do we get them? . hoser requirements -vs- hoser requests . attitude . solutions to increase hoser involvement vote on some more stuff: . what incentives do we want to give for cleaning/ restocking? . should hosers be required to help at events, or strongly suggested? . should hosers have requirements or something else? . vote on our solutions to increase hoser involvement: New Recruitment System (Sam): Strategies . label some events as 'recruitment events' . Sororitylike manpower . hold workshops to show community in what ways we're useful . propaganda line to heal our damaged image . bear icon to increase campus wide memory of us . attack plan to reach upperdivs / vote on some stuff . sororitylike manpower * we're on board * we're not on board . ragecomics kosher New Events System (Mary): . discuss some stuff . what should a hoser expect? . how much do we hold their hand? . vote on some stuff . change naming convention of internal/external events to better reflect their roles (Mary) . approve an event by a simple majority of pburo (we're the ones funding it) . how far in advance does an event need to be proposed (in order to get a cash advance???) => . how are we doing the funding for these events? some students can't front money for reimbursement. . if a hoser can't make the meetings, can they still get an event approved? . hosers propose new events by * showing up at meeting with no prepwork * sending an email to pburo containing all the specific details (tell them the needed details in advance) * sending in a google form that automatically inserts specific details into an excel spreadsheet * requiring prepwork && attending a meeting * requiring prepwork || attending a meeting . how do hosers who hold an event reserve a room? => New Room Reservation System (Jessica): . requires CSUA's asuc bank acct # or advanced funds to reserve a room after hours . explain why treasurer, then president & both events, get this acct # . explain how hosers go through Josh to get the room reserved New Reimbursement System (Jessica): . What things are we NOT doing reimbursements for? (e.g. events or something) . Why it's a good idea for the president to have $100 advance. . What to do with receipts, where to put them, etc. (new Binder!) New Projects/ Hack the CSUA (Zach): . New Communication: Commitments (Nate): mention purpose, understand why useful a. what you want to achieve b. how you plan on achieving it c. how your success can be measured Task Management & Never Dropping Balls (Sam): mention purpose, understand why it's useful for certain balls to drop, but not others vote on some stuff: . give a solid try to Asana Managerial Hat: Here we teach you how to be a leader and how to manage a team. Mary & Heidi, you've got this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Votes Section (decisions organized and catalogued here :) build-a-bear Choose your favorite eyes, ears, nose, mouth, paws, clothes, & stances (from the 7 unique bears in TJ's last email). We will combine these for our favorite bear. Hack Nights (Nate): . how many sponsors . ness 'big hack' shirts . do we want tshirts for hack nights . specific dates Approve these Events (Sam): . 9/7 ice cream social . hackathon kickoff (tuesday before) . csua + h@B event . interview workshops . ace ud cs workshops . eTalks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If we have time: . circles of advice
Post-Meeting: ———————————————————————————————————— Summer: . finish creating my commitments and give them to Mary for feedback . read the finished 'things everyone on politburo should know' document before the start of the semester Fall Semester: . uphold each thing we have voted upon at the planning meeting . use the public meeting agenda google doc for each meeting . complete my action items within 1 week's time . complete my commitments by mid December.
[The Same Information, *before* being organized above:]{.underline}
Passing of Information ***
a. This is where everyone will share binders of their position and teach the new person how to do the job.
b. Pass down as a group information that everyone on pburo should know, such as names/functions of building staff, any agreements we’ve set up with the staff/department (such as the key to the trash bins and us taking out our trash on weekends/helping tour on CAL day/ etc), and how to reserve rooms.
What we all think our jobs are
We’ll all discuss our understanding of our own job with each other and our understandings of each others jobs so that we all understand what we are doing.
a. What you want to achieve
b. How you plan on achieving it
c. How your success can be measured
Politburo Meetings Next semester
d. Renaming to CSUA Meetings
Pros: Makes the meetings seem more open which they are
Cons: Trivial renaming
e. Moving CSUA Meetings to the Office
Pros: Higher Attendance
Cons: More Distractions
Possible Solutions: Don’t allow video games in the office during meeting.
f. Dinners/Meeting Format
We want to offer dinner during CSUA meetings again. How exactly do we want to format this?
Proposed ideas:
Half an hour of food/visiting followed immediately by the meeting
Eat during the meeting
Current system
g. Public Detailed Agenda: It’s going to happen
It’ll probably look something like this
h. Minutes
People want more detailed minutes, but it’s hard to take more detailed minutes during minutes while actively participating. Possible solution: We have a live Google Doc in which people help jot down details.
i. How we’re going to get hosers to come
Points a, b, c, and d should help with this.
j. Time of regular meetings will be decided once school starts and schedules are finalized.
k. We will start meetings a couple weeks before semester starts since Hackathon is so early. Google+ hangouts? Weekend?
New Events System
How can we make is easier for people to throw events?
How are events approved?
Changing the distinction between internal and external events and possibly renaming them to more accurately reflect what they are. I was thinking something along the lines of external events doing all of the events involving coding and internal doing everything else (which is pretty much what it currently is)
Hoser Involvement
Hoser requirements: should we have them? If so, how should they be implemented?
Pros: More involvement (not necessarily- more involvement from a lot less people. A lot of people have said that they are willing to do stuff, but will NOPE out of the club if requirements are added)
Dispersal of responsibilities
Cons: Decline in hosership. Implications: The office will not be open as often;
Unhappy people
- Tech Projects
What sort of projects do we want to implement?
Ideas and Ongoing Projects:
CSUA website
Script to run assassins for us
Membership forms
Pros: Yay, automated
Cons: Legal issues?
Local github
l. pass out flyers to 61a/b/c and above(?)
Constructive Ideas for reworking the Cal Day flyer:
A more proper usage of the memes
b. your perfect bear
- Recruitment Strategies -- Put forth & Discuss
Invite Announce to politburo. It’s open. Let’s get people involved
Pros: More people are getting involved with the club
cons: Larger meetings may make it harder to get stuff done
How effective is the Welcome BBQ? Can we make it more effective?
- General Leadership Crap
We are leaders of the CSUA
The negativity against politburo by politburo needs to stop
- Circles of Advice
We’ll talk to each other one on one and talk to each other about one thing the other person does well and one thing they could improve on.
HackNights Shirts / Ness Shirts. Also, what do we want to do with HackNights?
Action Method Organization Plan (for task management / action items)
Approve The Following Events: ice cream social, hackathon kickoff, hacknights before 9/30,
Room reservation system
Electronic Arts: CEO Speech and Launch Party.
old hosers officer meeting around the start of school, to get ourselves organized
Startup Fair
m. who is in charge of it
new event ideas: workshops/talks to spread advice we’re good at, such as job help
n. ‘ace that class’ or ‘ace uppderdiv cs’ workshops / talks
o. ‘land that interview’ ‘get multiple job offers’ and ‘hone your confidence’ workshops