Officer discussion
Serious discussion about what being an officer entails
should be helpful @ events and helpful in the office (talking to people, cleaning the office)
no minimum time to become officer, but should show dedication
Rahul wants officers to be welcoming to new people (last semester people didn’t do that so much)
Officer approvals
- Diego, Maaj, Sanath, Sarah will be getting emails.
Square wants us to supply volunteers and advertising
are we paying? No if we have to play and maybe if we don’t
$250 to just advertise
Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter and Square, Collin should have mentioned that and saved some time) wants to talk
Welcome week BBQ
More organized
There will be advertising for events in Friday lectures
Events on the board
Hina makes speech after people get food
Rahul making food
Sherry, Jeff and Paul going to Costco run tomorrow (9/5)
Elizabeth will have a laptop with a sign-up sheet
Hack+ debrief
needed more food
under $30~$40 for food
Unix/Vim debrief
enough people showed up
relatively successful
will post slides on cs61a piazza
Office matters
make sure door is closed at night
after 12, take belt off and just let people in
Startup Fair
need flyers printed
need parking to be dealt with
9/20, 10/3 events?
need event ideas
git workshop?
debugger workshop?
10/4 Nike
- CFG even
Tab board
- wait for Sherry/Hina to approve
Google Calendar
Jeff, work on calendar pls
Usable but times are wrong