[Attendance]{.underline} : Rahul, Collin, Hina, Shrayus, Kara, Liz, Elizabeth, Rodney, Paul, Sarah, Jeff, Loren, Leo, Brandon,
Officer Candidates: James Kang 1st year mcb (Yes),
Liz 4th year eecs (Ask her to be around more) , Kara 2nd year CS (Yes)
[Industry Panel:]{.underline}
Rahul is getting the thank you gifts (4x fancy chocolates)
We need a host :Hina
Cardkey: Jeff
[Hack +:]{.underline} Who’s running it : Jeff
[Square Interview:]{.underline} Host : Rahul
[Jack Dorsey:]{.underline} Organizing Volunteers 5-6 mostly
10/4 6-10 Movie Night Avalon or set night
[Tablecloth/Sign:]{.underline} Little plastic banners are effective, ask HKN about it (HKN has no idea) , there’s a print shop down on University (Krishna), need it by the startup fair Oct 18th
We just need a usual design and stuff which already exists. Loren will do the research, Collin has it down.
Sherry’s budget status: Talked with Jeff, request money way ahead of time if we were to request money, etc.
[Hackathon Oct 18th]{.underline}, Leo has list
Monitors and Headsets - Headsets Cheaper but more interesting prizes, nag people for prizes, (microsoft surfaces). Kinects, xboxs, etc. Rahul ask Andy about prizes. Rpis, SD cards, 802.lln adapters
Smaller Prizes. Return prizes that we don’t use, keep the money in slush.
Food: Fruit and Sushi were popular, not enough veggie options, Taco Sushi (Cheap, edible, crappy) Cookies, ran out before chips.
Breakfast is sponsored by Galaxy Desserts,
Energy Drinks, Get a sponsor, Call RED BULL, NOS (Alex) => Rahul’s responsibilities.
Getting the numbers on pizza.
Jeff’s taking care of WOZ access.
Hina’s taking care of T Shirts. Before hackathon no, after hackathon we can sell shirts.
Gaming ban would be extended until 8pm.…but this was a poorly executed voting process. We should keep it until 5pm.
Jeff’s proposal
First primary ban -> Full screen videos or games, someone watching a video on fullscreen is no better than gaming (this includes TV, Drama, Movies). Any real time game should be banned.
Stipulations : if you made the game then you should be able to play it.
Rodney : We should not do things in the office that make it distracting and unproductive. BAM. Thank you for saying it well, this is the main goal, to make the office into a productive space between the hours of 9am-5pm
501C3 => Worth it or not? We need to commit to an organization, we need a constant officer team, the IRS is going to keep high tabs on us.