Attendance: Ana, Claire, Megan, Youdong, Jessie, Ryan, Claire, Robert
Latey Late Peeps: Austin, Jeremy
If we are going to commit to going to an event, we need to make sure that we have enough people to go
If we don’t get enough of a response, then we shouldn’t participate
If you say you are going to be there, please be there.
UCB Startup Fair
If you signed up to help: BE THERE AT YOUR SHIFT
claire will send out the signup sheet again
go to 4th floor through gate four
- you should get your shirt, but there are so many new sign ups that we might not have enough shirts
even if you didn’t sign up, you can show up to help us if you want.
Zynga Infosession
Thursday at 5:15 (they were insistent)
we need 2-3 people to go pick up pizza
too hard to carry all of the stuff with just two people
Jack is not driving -> Ryan got a zipcar
Ryan will be leaving Soda at 4:30
- Megan will help!
Megan is now in charge
UPE is doing everything!
they will go to costco for food/drinks
burgers, hot dogs, etc.
We should have all of the grill stuff in the back/under the table
UPE has candidates
can force someone to grill
could just make Jeremy do it
Michelle can’t be there because she will be at LA Hacks
Do we want to invite all of the CSUA or just the officers
leaning towards just inviting the officers
easier to invite the people we know
Megan will handle the invites on the CSUA side
Someone needs to make sure that we get Woz access
- need to check if the grill in the woz is still there
Megan will send out a volunteer sign up sheet
- UPE should be able to get some volunteers as well
Microsoft CFG
most things are done
want to get some more publicity if we can
Michelle will post it into different groups
- probably will wait until after break (Sunday/Monday)
They are taking care of food/drinks
they are taking care of the posters
We need a signup sheet -> want a couple of people to help out
- Ryan will send it out a signup sheet
We need to print out some flyers
print flyers: half ours, half theirs
post around soda/cory
This can be done after break
- Ana will remind Michelle to do it when she is at home
We want a high turnout
Need to update the facebook event with the prizes that they are going to have
Jessie will send us a more specific prize list
4/21 12PM to 4/22 12 PM
- 22 hours of hacking, 2 hours of judges/prizes
Do we want to use the 2 monitors in the back as prizes?
- maybe. It doesn’t really sound like we need them, but it does seem kinda odd
check on the monitor model and see how much it will cost to get 2
Ana/Ryan will make a prize list
- will be ordered the week after spring break (Thursday-ish)
Michelle will make posters/Fbook event page
at the end of spring break
either use Kara’s old poster design or make a new one
Jessie is working on finding judges
contacted Hackerrank and Microsoft
will contact other companies
will contact alumni
Emails will be sent out by tomorrow night
want 3-5 judges
hopefully we will find judges by the end of spring break
Ryan will make a food list
- will buy the week before and day-of
Need to do class announcements
- Michelle will make a spreadsheet for class announcements
Alumni BBQ
April 25th
Need a poster/flyer/facebook event
Michelle will try to send it out by mid next week
Megan might help out with the poster
try to do during spring break pl0x
Send the email blast to officer, hoser, prospective officers
Intersocietal Meeting
Megan: blueprint wants to meet on April 6th, 9 PM
Cafe Milano
Megan might not be able to go
Claire can go, Ana can go, Ryan (maybe) can go, Michelle can go
Michelle volunteers as tribute!
Claire will also be tribute!
Megan will CC us
Office Misc:
Wash more keyboards!
some of the shift keys are sticky
we might need to replace the switch
Ana will buy/bring key removers
want to have all six keyboards cleaned by the end of spring break
- Robert will get on that
buy key removers
Buy Hackathon prizes
Intersocietal meeting
- go to the meeting on April 6th, 9 PM at Cafe Milano
Microsoft CFG
- Prizes? (I think this is done)
- find judges
Microsoft CFG
- make a signup sheet (after break)
agree with Ana on prizes
make a food list
Invite all the CSUA People (I think this is done)
Check to see if the grill is still in the Woz
Send out volunteer sign up sheet (I think this is done too)
Alumni BBQ
- help with poster design
Intersocietal Meeting
- CC PB on all of the emails
Microsoft CFG
Make facebook event
post in campus groups (after break)
Print flyers and post on campus
- You wanted to do this over break
Update the Facebook event with the prize list
make a facebook event/poster
class announcement spreadsheet
Alumni BBQ
poster/facebook event
Send email blast to Officer/Hoser lists
Office Misc
- get all keyboards cleaned by the end of break