4/21/15 Meeting Minutes
Attend: Claire, Rodney, Robert, Ryan, Sanath, Chris, Megan, Youdong, Jason, Susanna, Michelle, David, Leo, Jessie, Eranda
Late: Jonathan, Ana
Mixer Event for Cal bay area interns (5/5)
- Rodney
Event happening in Memorial glade,
He wants to reach out to all student groups
- Let him know by Thursday or Friday
WE need to do :
Aiming: 250 - 300 people, serving pizza
Seems like a good way to find roommates/carpools
Do we want to participate?
We need to make sure that we have people show up
make a sign up sheet
will do -> Claire will email
Faculty Retreat (4/23)
- Claire is going
Hack++ with ASUS (4/26)
Original idea is for study
can we add additional aspect: charity
pay a dollar for raffle every hour
in return people will earn points cards, backpack, and t-shirts and swags and stuff
Maybe gaming aspect?
he can publicize it on facebook page of berkeley thingy
worried a little bit about not making all of the money back
- ASUS is fronting a lot of the money and they aren’t worried about making it back
Do we want to change the name?
Yes -> want to emphasize the fun aspect of it
Jonathan will check to see if ASUS already has a name for this
Will need to change the facebook page/poster (Michelle)
Michelle will try to get the posters printed by tomorrow
ASUS already has a poster
It looks like ASUS will be getting food
we are checking to make sure that ASUS can cover food
Cheesey sticks have been requested
Ryan will order pizza by Friday
Do we want to reach out to other student groups?
- Megan will talk to League club thingy
Pick a charity for the event?
might just let ASUS pick the event
could make a poll in the facebook event
Event possible with a company who wish to bring Chinese high school students to cal and learn something about Computer Science - more detail tonight
Charles’s mom wants to bring some high school students on campus for a lectures about 61A/CS10
- Over the summer
Is this even legal?
- Not sure, need to check with the department
We don’t know how many people since they say it depends on the cost
Are we going to be teaching?
- Charles will talk to the 61A instructors
They want us to print certificates for them
- this seems kinda pointless, but apparently it would make them feel better
We think that they should go through the department, rather than us
Cal Day
- it went great :)
LAN Party (4/24)
Megan and Robert checked that the switch and the wired AirBears works
Robert will double check that Pnunez works on all computers
- should be good
Megan will make sure that everything is labeled and logged
Megan will make sure that we have enough people to help out for setup
- need some nice strong helpers to carry up all the computers and the TV
Megan will double check that HKN is bringing food
Megan will make a fbook event
Alumni BBQ (4/25 12 - 3pm)
Claire reminded alumni today
- if you know any alumni, please invite!!
Turnout looks like ~40 people
Jeremy might not be able to make it
is there anyone else who knows how to grill?
Megan/Claire/ some alum will help us figure it out :)
Ryan and Claire will come at 11:15 to start cookin’
If anyone is around on friday night, please put the patties in the fridge!
GM #3 (5/1)
If you’re interested in running for a position, ask the person who currently holds it to find out more
- also come to the office and let people get to know you :)
We will vote on candidates who are running unopposed
- make them go outside
Can get a written note of consent from a candidate if they cannot make it to GM3
Signup sheet
- Megan will make it
Michelle will make a facebook event
- no need to make flyers
It looks Jeff and Jeremy/Collin will be moderators for this event
Claire will do the presentation
Office Misc
New User
it was borked, but it seems to be fixed now (thanks Tech Chu/Collin!)
- Tech Chang will go talk to them about it
- no real way to do this in an automated way
Office Cleaning!
- super good cleaning session this Friday during the LAN party
Pretty door thingy!
- David wants to make a nice sign for the office door
Non-officers touching the money drawer
- put a sign on the dra
Get the posters printed by tomorrow
- Add CSUA onto the poster
Change the ASUS Hack ++ facebook event
make a facebook event for GM3
Talk to League club about ASUS event
- make a poll for the charity of choice
Make a signup sheet for the Mixer event
label and log all of the equipment that is taken to the LAN party
Megan will double check that HKN is bringing food
Megan will make a facebook group for the event
Get woz access for the alumni bbq
get foods for GM 3
make a signup sheet for GM 3
Order Pizza for the ASUS event for 50-80 people
cheesy sticks!!!
Respond to Rodney about the mixer event
Respond to Charles about the student thing
go shopping with Jack on Friday for the Alumni BBQ
Talk to Tech Chu and Collin about how they fixed new user
send an email to Iris about registering the mail thingy (ask Collin)