10/8/15 Meeting Minutes
GM #1 +/Δ
Good turn out
Food was good
Volunteers were enough
More about what we do
More about upcoming events - info session
More about officers
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Sign-up in front of food
Bring up utensil(big spoon/forks) for food
UCB Startup Fair +/Δ
- People helped a lot
- keep track of how many people show up
MS Tech talk 10/12 11:30 - 1:00 @ HP
Food - They want Le Val’s pasta
- Order by tomorrow(Friday)
Facebook event - created
Flyer - gonna post it after the meeting
Megan will get tables
Riot Tech Talk 10/14 @ Career Center Blue Room
Help them with Advertisement
- Created a Facebook event
Potential more CSUA events together.
Blend Lab Tech Talk 10/15 5:00 - 7:00 @ HP
Waiting on their response
- We probably want to ask them to postpone it since it’s only one week until the event
CastLight Info Session 10/19 7:00 - 9:00 @ Woz
XRG Event
Sliver - we are ordering and receiving - maybe just do online order and deliver
- Atalie will help us print out and we will post them around
Facebook Event
- Creating now
Destiny tournament - With RedBull 10/25 12:00 - 10:00 (Event starts at 1 - 9) @ Woz
They want us:
Room reservation
- They know how they want to make it
Jason will figure out contract and what we are providing
Concern with working with RedBull
Working with E-Sports
We should have the detail by next meeting
Contract should be signed before 10/18
Hackathon 10/30 - 10/31
Jason will reach out to company again
We will decide prize next week
starts at 10/30 5:30 , ends at 10/31 2:00
Megan will plan out more detail by this weekend
We should have the facebook event and flyers out by next week
Research Symposium - 12/10 TBD @ Somewhere
- They want us to send out information to our members
Office Misc
- Office Cleaning - After this meeting
New Officers
Kevin Yes
Hang out around
Help out around the community
He has been going to events and help out
Yika Yes
People are nice and so I want to join
She’s interested in indrel/external events
She has a lot of time
Yitz Yes
Keep the office open and open longer
Do things in community
Volunteering skills