10/29 Meeting Agenda
Attend: Austin, Claire, Megan, Angela, Jason, Barak, Yitz, Kevin, Sid, Michelle, Caleb, Allen, Ana, Keivn
Late: Michael
Monitors - 1st
Headphones - 2nd
Hard drives - 3rd
Raspberry Pis - 4th/honorable mention
all done :)
Megan is going to make some really cute lil’ lollipops
Two from Meraki
One from google
coming for tomorrow and Saturday
In class announcements:
- did we do all of these??
- we have one that’s done, but we might wanna change it
List that the judges are from Meraki and Google
Signup Sheet:
looks like we have 2 people from each thingy
do we have a checkoff list??
- if we don’t have anyone, pick from the office
NerdWallet (11/3 6-8 PM)
Resume Review with FOODZ!
They want us to get LaVaals
- two servings: 6PM and 7PM
Need to front money -> 80 people or so
- expect it to be ~$400
Want to try not have too many people coming at once
there is a sign up sheet on the facebook page for students to pick a slot
Megan will delegate slots the day before or so
They didn’t send us a flyer, so we just won’t do that
give them a sheet so they can see who signed up for what
EECS Internship Fair - they are looking for volunteers
Department internship is next Wednesday
- if you wanna help out, ask Claire or Atalie
If anyone (besides Jason) wants to go around and talk to different companies, then talk to Jason
GM #2 (11/4 6 - 8)
We have a super cool speaker!! Jeff Atwood
ask if he has any dietary restrictions so that we can plan accordingly
He’s talking about “Lessons Learned building StackOverflow”
- Try to have food ordered by Monday or Tuesday
- Eranda is trying to print it, but we don’t have a high quality image
Ituit Stuff
Intuit has paid PSR!!
We are now just waiting on Phi Sigma Rho for a check
make sure that we get this by mid november
Office Security
We had two laptops stolen while officers/people were in there
happened around 8PM on Saturday
Same people came back twice trying to pull the same trick
Sunday around 7:30
Monday around 5:30
They ask to charge their phone, then sit near the back
- They will go through people’s stuff :(( >.<
We have contacted UCP and the department
If you see them around campus, please call UCPD
We want to talk about how we can make the office more safe
We should send a message to our members about what happened
tell them that they need to be very careful with their things
remind them that it is not our responsibility to keep your things safe
Should we keep the door locked??
We should put a sign on the door
should have a minimum number of officers
Keep the door always locked for the next couple of weeks
Put a sign on the door to let people know what’s happening
Office Misc
Reorganize during hackathon
- Ana is going to send out that email tonight!
Should help because now two more computers can face the door
Will happen at 10 AM :)
- FOODS from the hackathon
Come learn about how we deal with all of our technical stuffs
- servers, hardware, etc.
Want to be next week or the week after??
want to try and give two weeks notice
Austino is going to send out a poll - two options
New Officers
Caleb Wyllie
really likes CS and likes the CSUA because it brings together people with a passion for CS; Likes the people here; Feels like he can contribute to the club
likes helping other people
helped at BBQ, studies in the office a lot
Michelle Hsueh
“dragged” into the CSUA by Jeremy; met lots of people (who are cool hsometimes) here.
Really likes how people get along and how the club is all inclusive
provides a nice atmosphere
would be interested in a leadership role in the club; wants to develop skills in IR
helped at GM1, helped with tech talks, carries and eats food
Barak Zhou
same as above :)
basically lives at the club - found it to be a good group of people
feels like he can contribute and learn a lot from the CSUA
build connections, reach out to companies, host events, etc
- does have some experience with hosting events
Microsoft and Twitch; also been to others that we can’t remember
Jordan Hart - Ana will remind him
Angela Kuo
thinks that the CSUA does a lot of cool things :)
would like to be part of something that helps the department and something that is interesting
has a lot of free time that she is willing to contribute to the club
- willing to talk to other companies and try to get sponsorships, etc
went to the GMs
Nathan Zhang - next week
- get that website up and running
- Send out the damn email about the office reoganization