Here on time: Sid, Jason, Ana, Kevin, Yitz, Michelle, Caleb
Late (!): Austin, Leo, Barak, Robert, Susanna, Kara, Nathan
Yitz as new Sec/Treas
Dropbox Event
Met with HKN
Probably not happening.
HKN: Either do it one group or the other, or we’re not doing it
Cal Day (4/16)
Either be a tour guide or be a front desk person
Only really need to know about 2nd/3rd/4th floors.
We should get a banner or something so we are publicized during Cal Day
Office Mis
New Price List
Fewer items.
Apple Juice is $1.
Office Rules
Rules for the office! So we can point to it if certain members are being unruly.
make a poster??
New chairs
Dirty. Crumby. Let’s get new chairs!
Start with 2 chairs to see if we like them.
Do people like arms on the desk?
Not really……
Hoping for 3 chairs with arms, 3 without arms
New equipments….?
Issue with graphics cards/motherboard/something?
Maybe a new table
Money Issues
We get money stolen :(
8 $1s. All other ($5+) back in the lock box.
Usually this is enough.
Officer duties
No longer a “you don’t really have to do anything” role
Office hours !!!!!
Show up to your office hours.
Keep the office clean during your office hour.
Help out at events!
Office Cleaning:
- Would be announced at meeting, not included in meeting minutes; pop quiz (cleaning)!
Just in general, keep things clean.
If you’re the last officer in the room, make sure it’s clean before you leave.
Otherwise, it makes the office look rather dirty..
- Beware of theft!
- Do NOT pour cup noodles down the sink.
Trash Bags
If we get janitorial service go back again, then we’re fine.
But we may need to get some trash bags…
Officer Applications
- New form!
- Voted on Officers!
Sid: Send out a volunteer sheet for Cal Day. Free tshirt!
Caleb: Poke around at computers when you have time.