Here! Neil, Julie, Sid, Ana, Juntai, Michelle, Allen, Julie
Late! Caleb, Jason
2/17/16 Meeting Agenda
- Mary Olsen
Megan’s email, what they want, what we want:
Tentative schedule:
10AM: Students arrive at UCB
10-11:30AM: Scavenger Hunt (ANova)
11:30AM-12:30PM: Lunch (we will pick students up from activity and take them)
12:30-2:15PM: Tug of War Competition (PiE)
2:15PM: Students Depart
looks like we could change this - she wants to know what’s up
could also do some sort of campus tour
This schedule is a past schedule, not what we’re actually doing.
We don’t exactly like this tentative schedule.See Above-
What if we take them into a lecture hall?
Presentation? Interactive thing?
What if we get a professor?
Student Panel!
let’s get a CS major to talk
Show them what we do? Slice of life
We may have a cost of materials, depending on what we do.
Ask if they will reimburse us?
GM2 (3/2/16 at 8):
Room is already booked,already have a speaker.
Real food!
Not pizza.
Berkeley Thai??
Garlic Pork is sooooo good
And they deliver!
Get a FB event by next Monday.
Also get a poster! And a sign-up sheet.
LAN Party with HKN(3/31):
how many computers to bring??
Less computers!
Six is too many. egh.
Two is good!
Figure out if the Wii can connect to the projector?
- This will require testing.
HKN doesn’t bring many snacks :c
If we bring it -- check if HKN will split it.
The room is booked.
Smash tournament!
Only one machine, so it’ll take a bit
But this won’t take that long
Set up an email system each week for all officers.
CalDay (4/16):
sign up list
make sure that people actually go??
- We think we have enough reliable people.
DeNero has enough help.
Do we want to table?
We have in the past; we didn’t last year -- not enough people.
Would be good. Let’s do it!
Incoming freshmen are so enthusiastic.
Meeting with Brian Harvey (2/19):
1-2 PM on friday! Meet at 12:50 at the office.
Movie Night (2/19 @ 7 PM @ Woz):
Get some food!
intra-CSUA event. Hang out, watch a movie, etc
form mini-groups and order pizza!
officers + prosp, invite friends as wanted.
Undergraduate Research Symposium
Event is 12-3, 5/4. Booked for Hearst Mining
- Hearst Mining is bigger!
Our job: Give an email to all CSUA members
- We basically want presenters, it can be any research.
Most of the logistics is already handled by Nathan.
Hackathon (4/1):
What does Meraki want?
do we want to do a separate one?
If they don’t respond by 3PM tomorrow, Jason will call them.
They apparently don’t care if it’s called CSUA Hackathon or Meraki Hackathon
It doesn’t seem very good so far.
Apparently they have a history of walking in and asking for an immediate (or soon) tech talk
Jason will call them.
If they don’t respond by the end of tomorrow, we should decline this.
“Can’t book a room this soon.”
Reschedule for later!
- we need some
Office Misc:
money looks good~
costco run on Monday (Ana couldn’t get a car on Friday)
Put stuff on the suggestion list on the board!
We want chairs.
Buying two of those chairs first to see if they work.
iphone 5 chargers
No more. They got stolen. Order more!
More micro-USB cords! Longer ones.
Would prefer to keep them in the back
ask an officer to get them a cable.
That officer would be in charge of getting that cable back.
What if users give ID to the officer to get a cord?
We should clean out the back room….
They’re rather crappy :(
White ones are okay. Green ones are a year old and… look older.
Probably not going to buy any new.
Let’s put up signs! “Study space” etc.
Office has been a wreck recently..
used napkins everywhere, etc
Sake is dying :(
Sid: Send out an email for URS and/or somehow otherwise publicize. Also set up a FB event for GM #2. And a poster.
Michelle: Look into Berkeley Thai. Order stuff! Also, sign-up sheet for GM#2.
Jason: Call SAP/Mounza and Meraki (if they don’t respond)
Caleb: Tinker with Sake when there’s time.
Ana: Show Caleb the Tech-VP drawer.