Here: Juntai, Allen, Alex, Jason, Austin, Kara, Julie, Yitz, Ana, Barak, Caleb, Shrayus, Kevin
Late: Michelle
2/24/16 Meeting Agenda
- HKN will be in the Woz until 8
food: want to order for ~80 people
We’ll check attendance closer.
Berkeley Thai House!
- Help put them up. There will be a stack in the office.
Start Up Fair (3/16):
CSUA is doing all the publicity again
info and data for Sid so he can pub?
dark blue
Claire did it!
Blame Claire.
now in the West pauley ballroom
wait until IEEE updates this before signing up
Prosps! Sign up to help out.
“Go-for-y” people.
Or is it “Gopher-y” people?
If you volunteer, you get a free shirt!
Research Symposium:
Sid spammed every possible.. _____ (“uhh you know” -michelle)
We have a twitter now!
Please no email notifications.
Company Campus Tour
We can get a bus rented to go somewhere.
Get sponsored by that company?
- Just food; we can pay for transportation.
What companies?
Meraki (+ Sherry)
Probably won’t happen this semester, but next semester, this would be great.
We might get it working for this semester.
20 people max.
How do people get in?
Essays? Random? Something else?
Some companies may want to cater to a minority. In that case, “something else” is the better option
Call with Meraki next week.
“They’re on board for up to $5000.”
Office Misc:
Don’t do anything that violates the law of University policy
[Keep yourself, your surroundings, and the office clean]{.underline}
Be courteous to your peers
Sleeping in the office is not permitted
During business hours (weekdays 10 AM-7 PM) the office should be a productive, inclusive workspace
please assist your peers
video gaming is not permitted
full screen video is not permitted
Please keep noise pollution to a minimum
Checking out equipment is an option.
Clean: No bottles on the floor, empty the trash every while, no chopsticks on the floor
Put things away!
Soda cans
Officers: Vacuum the floor if it’s dirty.
Put this in office hour duties!
Take out the trash, keep things clean, etc.
How do we ensure officers do this?
Remove officership?
One warning, then you’re kicked out.
Random cleaning session! Right at 7. “Either clean with us or get out.”
- Consistently after PB meeting?
- Printing out rule signs?
- New Rules??
Respect the office equipment (keyboards, mice, etc)
Make sure that you return all equipment to the way you found it at the end of your visit
Need a charger? trade an officer your ID to borrow one
Penalty (maybe group penalty?) for having a non-clean office
e.g. no gaming for 24 hours if office is not clean in the morning
- (Edit) Check who logged in last, take away their gaming privileges for 24 hours or something
(Edit) 8 hour log in times before you can game.
If you want to use a mouse that is not junk:
Trade an ID.
What about officers?
Some kind of log sheet?
Entry when you take a mouse or something.
Get 2 AmazonBasics mice
Don’t simply unplug a keyboard and put it on the table if it’s broken
- Tell other PB members, somehow notify them.
People coming in to store food in the fridge
People can’t store their own food in our fridge.
Nothing we are actively selling stays in the fridge, with minor exceptions
- no personal food items
We need to put up rules.
Make it really visible.
Next to the whiteboard on the middle-north facing wall.
Or, put them on the fridge?
Reiterate the rules to people signing up for CSUA membership.
Hi, my name is Shrayus. “Shrayus, what is your favorite traffic sign?” “It’s the roundabout, because they look so interesting. “
First year in EECS. Wants to be an officer.