Here! Ana, Jason, Michelle, Sid, Yitz
Late! Caleb, Kara, Kevin, Shrayus, Leo, Neil, Austin
3/2/16 Meeting Agenda
- Handled by Michelle
He has a power point
Food is coming at 8PM
Closer to $9 per person
Startup Fair:
Ana is ordering shirts tomorrow morning
EECS faculty Retreat
Every year, student orgs send a representative to the faculty retreat.
We need someone to go to retreat meetings, then actually going to the retreat.
Caleb will go!
target group is students who have been placed in a course (might not have interest in CS)
want to build interest
show them what cool things can be done?
Show them hackathon projects! Internships! Companies!
Student panel about life in CS
Interactive workshop?
- We don’t have enough computers…
Showcase the tetris thing
Alex Chuuuuuuuu. Come baaaack.
“Alex (pi)Chu we ‘chu’se you”
- Jason will take over from Megan.
UPE Movie Night
Main concerns:
Big Hero 6 pls D:
We need to get Fast + Furious
Burritos last semester.
Pizza or burritos?
Sliver? West Coast? Cheeseboard? La Val’s? Dominoes?
We need something that delivers.
We’ll get Sliver, then somehow bring up the food.
We’ll see after GM 2.
CSUA Movie Night
Michelle: “It was me, Sid, and Juntai just watching South Park for an hour.”
was a fail
CSUA Ice Cream Social???
3/18, 6-8PM!
We will get ice cream either at Safeway or at Costco.
How do we make sure the ice cream doesn’t turn into slush?
- Keep it in an ice box?
Room is already booked.
- April 1st - 2nd.
4 x $150
4 x $75
4 x $50
More mini-prizes?
1 prize for the trollest hack?
Monitors (big-prize)
Amazon gift card (mini-prize)
BB8 toy
Kindle Fire
Speakers (jambox jawbone?)
External hard drives
Board games?
Let’s get CSUA Stickers!!!!
What about CSUA hoodies?
- “Would you be interested?”
Office Misc:
Rules poster: Final thoughts?
Added Kara’s rule about being considerate in using computers -- “limit your time to 2 hours during busy times”
Not strictly enforced.. but be considerate.
Is this an okay idea?
Most people say yes.
Implemented yitz’s ideas about changing font sizes
Ana’s against saying “Work is prioritized above all”.
If someone spends half an hour switching between hearthstone and writing an essay, is that really work?
You could say “Computer use is balanced.”
Full screen videos in the office?
Discouraged because it makes the office look bad during work times.
Full screen league looks like you’re actually playing games.
Close-to-full-screen isn’t much of a difference though.
But lecture videos……..
Favorite computer?
- Be nice about asking to switch computers.
New fine text on the bottom of the sheet: Failure to comply can result in removal of your member permissions
But how do we kick them out? How do we enforce?
Well we could theoretically just be mean to them.
Nobody we know has really needed this though.
Costco run
What do we like about the food amounts?
They seem fine.
Don’t throw noodles down the sink.
More coke zero?
Angus Cheeseburgers.
Stuff in the back?
Donate, sell, or just throw them out
Checking out games?
- Unnecessary
Have Caleb figure out what’s working and what isn’t. So we don’t need to over-fix.
Let’s get a date to figure out what’s wrong with all the computers and shut down the office so that we can figure things out.
This works during the LAN Party?
Caleb is open during the Hackathon. Let’s do it during then.
Hire Collin to do our servers?
- Leo: “Offered him money, he didn’t do it”
Hire some professional?
Or what if we move our servers to some online thing?
Over time, hosting service is more expensive.
But they will maintain it and have backups and such.
Jason: Take over TechStart communications from Megan.
Sid: Publicize for Ice Cream Social.
Ana: Get ice cream for ice cream social.
Caleb: Figure out what’s working and what isn’t. Also event on April 1st-2nd to fix computers.