8/30/16 CSUA Meeting Agenda
Welcome BBQ +/Δ
Calapalooza 8/31, 2 - 7 PM, Sproul
Microsoft Infosession 9/2, 5:30 - 7:30 PM, Woz
EMC Tech talk 9/6, 6 PM dinner, 6:30 talk, Sibley
Riot Tech talk 9/7 7-9 PM, 159 Mulford
Dropbox Tech Talk 9/9, 6-8 PM, Sibley
GM #1 9/9, 8:10 - 11 PM, Woz
State farm tech talk 9/12, 5-7 PM?, MLK Stephens
Goldman Sachs Coding Challenge 9/13, 6 - 7:30 PM, 320 Soda
Pinterest Tech talk 9/15, 5-7 PM?, Sibley
Unix Workshop 9/16, 6-8 PM, HP
Computers - clean & move water and rum and see if they die? Only upgrade graphics?
Move to D instead of wipe?
Office cleaning?
New chairs?
New server?
Hackathon website [http://csua.berkeley.edu/hackathonfa16/]{.underline}
Photos from Tushar
faculty/student lunches
Food in fridge?
Officer applications
Welcome to first official CSUA PB meeting of Fall 2016!
Couldn’t make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline}
Attendance! Jeremy, Caleb, Jackson, Alex, Julie, Barak, Andres, Michelle, Victor, Neil, Tushar, Megan, Kevin, Yitz, Sid, Akash, Parth, Hong
Late: Robert
8/30/16 CSUA Meeting Agenda
Welcome BBQ +/Δ
Good outreach!
Selfie +1.
Room access……..
Need more food!!!!!
Number of people RSVP’d didn’t represent people who came.
The FB event did say 160 people, but we looked at attendance one week in advance. So not that many people. So we didn’t get enough food…
We overbought, but we still didn’t get enough. Because our initial estimation was too low.
Calapalooza 8/31, 2 - 7 PM, Sproul
Have to arrive early to set up.
Get banner, tablecloth, etc.
Business cards!!! And stickers!
Flyers are being made and they will be printed.
We shouldn’t actively flyer ???
- Except for people who arrive at the table.
Cannot have more than 2 people per club. 2 clubs per table.
Microsoft Infosession 9/2, 5:30 - 7:30 PM, Woz.
Flyers need to go up D:
Food will come at 5:30. Has not been paid for yet.
Volunteer sheet sent out. We should have more people set up than to clean up.
Room access!
EMC Tech talk 9/6, 6 PM dinner, 6:30 talk, Sibley + Garb
Flyers have been sent to us; they need to be printed then set up.
Get food, key, volunteers.
Riot Tech talk 9/7 7-9 PM, 159 Mulford
- No food :c Riot’s famous enough that it’ll be fine.
Dropbox Tech Talk 9/9, 6-8 PM, Sibley + Garb
Bennett will be there! + EMC, Riot, Pinterest as well.
+ Facebook + Flyer
GM #1 9/9, 8:10 - 11 PM, Woz
Short presentation -- current events, etc. And board games!
Jeremy will be making a costco run quick.
Facebook! And flyer! C: (+ pusheen)
State farm tech talk 9/12, 5-7 PM?, MLK Stephens
- As soon as we get the room confirmed, we’re good to go. Yes for food; Barak just has to pick one.
Goldman Sachs Coding Challenge 9/13, 6 - 7:30 PM, 320 Soda
We’ll need to set up food location and stuff…
GS is antsy about “sponsorship” wording.
As long as they pay, we’re okay.
Pinterest Tech talk 9/15, 5-7 PM?, Sibley + Garb
Next next thursday.
Unix Workshop 9/16, 6-8 PM, HP
Next next thursday. Next?
We already have HP booked.
We just need to make a presentation and a facebook event! And a few piazza posts.
Computers - clean & move water and rum and see if they die? Only upgrade graphics?
If they work just fine afterwards, then it’s fine.
They’re ollllld….
If we move them, we have to let ETS know about this. Each ethernet port is mapped with a MAC address, and that’ll change with moving computers.
Move to D instead of wipe?
SSD is getting overstuffed with user files. The hard drive can hold them.
Solution: Move user files to hard drive!
Office cleaning?
Right after PB meeting!!!
Perhaps we should get a rug cleaner?
New chairs?
They are disgusting.
They’re all different sizes and shapes and etc.
4 new chairs!
What about the old ones?
- We can put some of them back in the labs downstairs. Or we can trash them…..
New server?
“How’s it going Caleb?”
“.… Nope. It’s not going.”
Contact Loren! Get help on server!
On that note, our newuser script is broken.
Hackathon website [http://csua.berkeley.edu/hackathonfa16/]{.underline}
- It looks nice! “The CSUA logo is off…”
Photos from Tushar
New pictures for PB and officers!
Slightly controversial topic. We’re the only club not to have uniform pictures.
Should we all switch to a uniform picture?
- Optional!
faculty/student lunches
Really helpful for us to meet faculty!
Looks good because we’re doing something nice for students!
4 lunches.
We just need to secure professors.
Food in fridge?
You can leave food in the fridge… but only if the person is still there.
If the person leaves, it’s hoser/trash.
Office hours……
How do we enforce this?
- 3 misses; you’re out. Or two??
Put a paper in the back; have them sign in there.
We’ll be changing the door code roughly once a month.
Officer applications
Akash Khosla
2nd year
Didn’t do anything yet, really. He’s been to a few events, like the recruiting session.
Sid + Barak recommended it; down to meet new people!
Tushar Pankaj
2nd year
Joined the club last week! Helped with the welcome bbq and general office.
It seems like an interesting thing to do and I want to help the club!
Jeremy Park
At least a year left.
Helped at the welcome BBQ
There really is no other way to get info unless you’re on the officer mailing list!
Andres Guzman
2nd year in college, but junior status!
Just transferred, but did help at welcome BBQ
Lots of free time! So he wants to do something productive, like helping out at events. And he’s bored in his apartment! The office is better.
Parth Singhal
Helped clean at a couple board game nights.
Sid + Juntai recommend. Being an officer is a good use of my time!
Alex Thomas
Haven’t done any events. 2nd week here.
I enjoy CS and I love to talk about it with other people! And I want to meet new people and make new friends!
Hong Jun Jeon
2nd year
Haven’t attended anything; joined the club yesterday.
Sid recommend! 4 day weekend; wanna meet new people…
Victor Sun
Haven’t really helped anything.
Enjoy planning events! He wants to help with planning stuff.
@Caleb clean computers pls! And move computers pls!
@Caleb figure out what’s going on with our computers?
- Or @Tushar…
Business cards!!! And stickers!