Present: Brian Sang, Caleb, Kevin, Susanna, Robert, Jeremy, Jordan, Julie, Andrew, Barak, Megan, Kevin, Neil, Austin, Loren, Sid, JC, Blaire
Came in later: Charlie
9/6/16 Meeting Agenda
Couldn’t make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline}
Calapalooza +/Δ
Microsoft Infosession +/Δ
EMC Tech talk +/Δ
Riot Tech talk 9/7 7-9 PM, 159 Mulford
Dropbox Tech Talk 9/9, 6-8 PM, Sibley
GM #1 9/9, 8:10 - 11 PM, Woz
State farm tech talk 9/12, 6-8 PM?, MLK Stephens (??)
Goldman Sachs Coding Challenge 9/13, 6 - 7:30 PM, 320 Soda (??)
Pinterest Tech talk 9/15, 5-7 PM?, Sibley
Unix Workshop 9/16, 6-8 PM, HP
LaTeX workshop 9/23, 6-8 PM, HP
Tushar/Caleb, computer situation? Clean, D vs wipe?
New chairs - later
New server - later
Weekly email to newmembers?
Photos from tushar [http://www.when2meet.com/?5341501-eIcl2]{.underline} 9/11 4 PM?
@yitz take charge of accountability officer hours?
Newuser bug
Officer applications
UPE Web Dev chair.
Staff member of OCF.
“East Asian Union” but for EECS groups!
Why do we need one? We already have ESC, ASUC, etc.
If you go to EECS website and see the list of student orgs, there are 17 total undergrad EECS groups.
But those are only the officially recognized ones; there’s so many more.
It’s hard to book rooms…
Lots of students need help with tutoring, advice, industry, internships, aahhhhh
We as a whole can do more to help bring EECS together!
We’d like to create a collaborative culture:
- Use the influence of our orgs!
Everyone who needs help can get help.
- Many people don’t know about the tutoring services.
Improved communication between the EECS groups as a whole.
Modeled after things like EAU or others, like a conglomerate club of clubs.
Biweekly meetings with club officers, etc.
Agenda focused. Got any issues? Etc.
What can we provide?
We’ll get people together! More club collaboration.
Get news of our events out to more people in a better way
Improved communication.
We as EECS groups should be able to come together and come up with a better action plan when things like Rao’s thing happen again.
Size of EECS has grown to a point where our representation in ESC alone doesn’t cut it.
- From what we see, ESC doesn’t quite add much value.
How would a new EECS group add value to our club?
Non-overlapping events, etc.
General timeline of events! Synced calendars!
What benefits would membership give?
Event promotion!
- Collaborate with other clubs to promote things.
Woz/HP reservations. Not sustainable as it is, even without collaboration.
One thing an EECS student council could do is to make reserving outside space a lot more viable.
Allocation of resources/representation:
There needs to be some leadership. How does this happen?
Council presidents from the clubs?
Doesn’t necessarily require presidents, but send up at least one representative?
Email: [sang.bri@berkeley.edu]{.underline}. Contact him for more information here!
- We had a lot of people come!
We left a bit early. We misjudged when peak time was, so we stopped flyering -- but we got back out there.
Other group flyered in front of us.
Yitz - Send caleb the list of emails .
- Lots of people!
Too many people!
Career center advertised for us, and they sent out the wrong information.
Main solution: Get Sibley instead.
Word of mouth got wayyyy out of there.
Sibley had a lot of room. But we didn’t really need it did we?
Good speaker!
Bad timing. Right through classes. (right during 170)
Hardware :c
We have so many events, but some of them don’t really have a purpose. What do??
- We have this attitude because of slack in past few semesters.
Riot (9/7)
Diversions for sibley.
Where is Mulford???
- Next to LKS
Access is unnecessary!
Dropbox (9/9)
Room access!
Food will be done tomorrow.
GM #1
Flyers not up yet.
FB is up!
Food is good!
Access is weird again :c
Board Game Night! C: C: C:
State Farm (9/12)
Got food, got room reservation.
No access yet
No flyer yet!
Goldman Sachs (9/13)
We finally have our terms of agreement thing.
We might actually need a key for this one.
We have flyers; aren’t up yet.
+ Facebook event
Keep food in 320.
Table unnecessary. Just put a banner up.
Pinterest (9/15)
No flyer yet, no fb yet
Unix workshop (9/16)
Go to the front desk for access.
Piazza post, FB event <- Megan
LaTeX workshop (9/23)
HP, also.
Yitz + Caleb will work on presentation
Piazza, FB <- Megan
Caleb + Tushar
D drives!
They are getting very full. A lot of it is user files.
Not all computers have SSDs. For those, we can install SSDs along the hard drives
For the ones that already do, we need to clear at least some of the data off.
The hard drives themselves are already full… because of other things?
Costco is selling 1 TB drives for $100?
How about we contact EMC for one of their hard drives?
Not wiping the SSDs; we’ll just clean the SSDs.
New Chairs!
New server!
- Just in case things screw up, back up server datas
Newmembers mailing list!
Emails are helpful. Let’s get this back up.
It would require we finalize events and etc. More doable in a *regular* semester.
Blurb, date, stuff!
Photos from Tushar!
Sunday, 9/11. 4PM. If anyone can’t make this, talk to Tushar. We’ll be taking pictures on the breezeway.
Office Hours!
- Yitz checks it.
Newuser bug.
They can’t access their home directories :c
Because our newuser script has a bug.
- (because now it’s running on Apache, which has ‘safety features’ and can’t run as root :c)
It can be manually fixed on a case by case basis.
Workarounds are being done.
- In addition, a few new prosps aren’t getting emails.
- New prosps!
Charlie Tian
Hi Charlie!
I’m Charlie. EECS, sophomore.
Not really an active member before this, but attended a few events and was here over the summer.
Interested in CSUA bc in my freshman year, I didn’t really get involved in CS stuff, so now I’m getting more into it. Like more interesting classes, but not just academics! Get more involved, get connected.
Intended CS, first year.
I’m a first year!!! I’ve attended most of the events so far though.
I want to be an officer mostly bc I didn’t really have many clubs that I was interested in/related to stuff I did, and this was one of the first clubs here that stood out. It’s a social club! That’s important. Getting a community to start off my four years here at Berkeley is important.
CS major, third year.
Did school, took time off, came back.
Helped at Microsoft, set-up with EMC.
I want to help support the CSUA! Answer the questions that freshmen have when they wander in, and the community building that happens at some events. There’s a new focus on events this semester and I want to help and support the community!
2nd year, CS
It’s my first day here and it’s my first day knowing this club!
I’m a photographer, I like pictures. I ran a lot of events; used to work at citibank; did a social mixer thing.
Why CSUA? Because I love CS people and stuff and I want to participate!