9/13/16 Meeting Agenda
Attendants: Matt, Stephanie, Ashley, Ryan, Julie, Jason, Victor, Robert (not chang), Yitz, Neil, Megan, Michelle, JC, Kevin, Barak, Austin
Really really really really late: Sherry
Couldn’t make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline}
Riot Tech talk +/Δ
The talk was nice!
Very student orientated, selfless.
The speaker was cool!
They weren’t happy with the room :c
- Too hot.
They want food/refreshments!
We should overestimate attendance instead, so we get a better room.
- We’ve been historically underestimating….
Dropbox Tech Talk +/Δ
Some people liked the speaker?
Sibley was nice!
Their water bottle was nice!
Some people didn’t like the speaker?
We had to get Garbarini :c
Not enough food.
GM #1 +/Δ
People liked the food!
The manager for Lotus House is great!
Attendance was good!
Good presentation!
Presentation was slightly rushed… That’s not that bad.
When we do open food, they should take a stack of two plates (or get stronger plates).
State farm tech talk +/Δ
The speaker was really nice!
State Farm was satisfied with the people who came and stayed late
Barely anybody was there.
- Part of this is because of the coinciding events :c
Location was poor :(
Space was cramped :( too many tables.
Avoid stephens!
Goldman Sachs Coding Challenge +/Δ
Pretty good! The turnout was just right; filled exactly one classroom.
The food is nice!
Should figure out how electronics work before the event.
The room got stuffy.
We should call the term sheet an “agreement” instead of a “contract”...
We have an issue with just scheduling events whenever….
We have to schedule them carefully :( and hopefully nothing else overlaps.
Potentially we should coordinate.
We should not agree to events until we *book* the room.
Though our main goal was just to see how many companies we could get!
Sid knows how to do stuff now!
We’re just balancing from last few years.
Turn the Tables fair
- It went well! Megan talked to a lot of companies. Got a lot of interest.
Pinterest cancellation
- Cancel Sibley; need to send them an invoice for a cancellation fee.
EECS townhall 9/14 8:30-10 PM HP
- Event is on FB! It’s about the EECS department.
Unix Workshop 9/16, 6-8 PM, HP
- Caleb’s event!
LaTeX workshop 9/23, 6-8 PM, HP
- Caleb’s and Yitz’s event!
6Sense 9/23 ?
- Tech talk! It’s the same day as LaTeX…. siiid….
Yuan Buy 9/30
Workday 10/3 CAP
GM2 10/28 Niantic!
Having them as our GM 2 speaker would be interesting. And hype.
Startup fair 11/4
Weekly meetings every Sunday @ 2pm.
Publicizing, shirts, etc.
Help megan with photoshop :(
Meraki going with SWE?
- It’s really entertaining. Wat.
Newuser bug
- It exists. What do.
Refunds/advance check situation
Berkeley is just hella slow these days.
Make-up State Farm info?
It’s not really our responsibility to do make-up events..
We don’t really have to sell ourselves to a company...
Weekly newmembers email
There needs to be an easy way to unsubscribe.
- We need that unsubscribe button!
We’re the first PB to actually remove people from this list!
How do we publicize events more?
Twitter? Naaahh.
Facebook? (y)
Our website? (A lot of freshmen look at our website)
Resume book
All of our members can submit resumes! That’d be hella resumes.
Should we do it?
Make it a dropbox of resumes?
Reserve a folder of resumes on the server?
Office cleaning/general messiness
People are leaving a ton of trash :(
Victor’s been crushing cans! You can do it too!
Don’t put trash in the recycling bins.
Don’t put cans full of liquid into the recycling bins.
Keep an eye out for people being messy :(
Close the back door! Close the money box door!
Office cleanings!
*before* every other pb meeting?
Or maybe after?
Regarding officers…
Check your points!!!
You may be booted off :(
Recording tech talks/infosession?
Should we record them?
- Lots ofpeople have asked for this!
We don’t want things too complex.
Let’s post presentations on FB!
Perks of officership
- PB Only.
Jobs mailing
- Going to be sent out by the end of this week!
Charlene on website
- Caleb! Put her on the website (new adviser)
CS scholars 9/20 9/22 4-6 PM
This is after everyone has their CS61A midterm :(
We tell people it’s okay!
It’s a good reminder that they have resources.
Anyone free to make it?
- Caleb can hopefully make Tuesday; Megan will try to make Thursday.
We need more shirts.
- We like our shirt :D we need more of them!
And more chairs!
We need more socials :(
More socials! More socials!
No social for the next two weeks. This is around when the first midterms come around.
Aiming for *after* the first set of midterms!
Bowling party!!!!
Chill socials!
No ice cream? It’s getting cold..
Hot chocolate and coffee socials!
Officer Applications
Stephanie Ruiz
3rd year, Cog Sci, Public Health!
I haven’t helped out at any events yet :(
I’ve been to events before, and I’ve always been welcomed and it’s a nice community! And I want to be part of it
Finding Dory + John Denero (because he’s like a teddy bear)
Ashley Chien
First year, intended CS + Stats
Helped at nothing :(
CS is cool and there’s a lot of events so it’d be cool to plan those and help out with that c:
Ryan Lee
3rd year CS/CogSci
Helped at a few events last year, startup fair, tech talk, etc
I’ve been to events but I haven’t really done anything; I want to get more involved!
Nick Weaver + some movie..
Victor Ye
Between 2nd and 3rd, CS intended!
I haven’t been keeping track of events but I did help out with some foods! Like Microsoft for food, and directed people to the Goldman Sachs event.
CSUA is the only club of its kind! There’s not really any other club like this. We’re casual; fits with our schedule. I like the resources this club provides for all of Berkeley and I want to help out with a club that has helped me so much.
Hilfinger -> Don’t Breathe
PB Only
Yes to all four prosps!
Jason is still on our mailing list. Shadowing for PB + indrel.
Sid found out about things lying to us; talking to HKN about things that he shouldn’t have been talking about.
Sid’s no longer comfortable with Jason shadowing.
- Then again, there’s nothing too dangerous about other clubs knowing what’s happening with us.
But if Sid feels uncomfortable about this, then this is a pretty big issue.
We should talk to Sid about this.
Barak - we don’t want to overwork you!
If you don’t have enough money, it’s okay, ask Megan or Yitz.
If you’re overworked then let Neil help out too!
Officers Perks
Everytime Neil explains officership to a new member, the “perks” feel like nothing..
Megan has two ideas:
As an officer, you get to setup/teardown, which means you get to talk with companies and recruiters!
If you have nothing else on your resume, having involvement in a reputable club is useful!
Allen, Julie, Neil do good jobs of giving spiels :D
Megan: Email/reach out to the companies.
Yitz: Make a slideshow / budget sheet
Caleb: Get key for HP this friday. And the LaTeX one.