9/20/16 Meeting Agenda
Present: Barak, Ashley, Ray, Andrew, Kevin, Robert, Alex, Jason, Victor, Amir, Brian, Barak, Julie, Yitz. Austin, Sherry, Caleb, Megan, Neil, Sid, Henry,
Couldn’t make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline}
EECS townhall
Unix Workshop +/Δ
LaTeX workshop +/Δ
6Sense ?
Startup fair helpers!
Yuan Buy 9/30
Workday 10/3 CAP
Sid & Barak: Events?
Newuser bug?
More workshops: HTML, CSS, website?
Asking course staff prior to piazza (cs70)
Wiping status
Gaming on personal devices during business hours
1 Hackathon per semester
Intersocietals: UPE, HKN LAN
Academic bear fair
CSUA wishlist: 4 chairs, stickers, server
Meeting minutes:
EECS townhall
HKN headed the townhall, but they want other clubs to also contribute.
Megan can email HKN and ask about what we can do.
Budget crisis!
The reason we were okay this semester is because we got 250k in private donations. Not sustainable.
Last night they drafted letters to Chancellor Dirks stating 2 demands:
30 to 1 GSI/Student ratio
Transparent budgeting at the campus level
Megan is meeting with HKN this saturday!
Unix Workshop +/Δ
People were attentive!
People learned stuff!
We could have covered more…?
Though some people were confused.
Solutions sometimes needed stuff that wasn’t taught. More detail needed!
Not very engaging :c
Wild cards? Piping? Confusing :c
“He talked about what they did and went to the next slide; didn’t explain much what happened.”
People had trouble finding the slides.
- Get a better url for them.
We should update them! It was rather hard to understand :c
Cheat sheet from last year would be helpful!
LaTeX workshop
Friday! 6 PM.
Yitz is writing the slides.
Tables! Algorithms! Newpages! Equations!
- Should we try doing hw1 solutions?
6Sense ?
- Sid is in contact with them for future date.
Startup fair helpers!
- Come help out if you want!
Xunan Buy 9/30, Wozniak Lounge.
The CEO, after a lot of messages, wants an event.
CEO has really high expectations of turnout.
“Startup in China talk!”
- But this doesn’t really match up.
Sid told the CEO to “lower his expectations”.….
Get the CEO to send us a blurb!
Then, we can actually have people know what the talk will be about.
It’s not our job to make the flyer….
He’s trying to make his business go international.
- E-commerce site between China and USA.
Need food!
Workday 10/3 CAP
HR company.
Need food!
Note: Companies pay for food.
Sid & Barak: Events?
Lay low on the events :(
It’s okay to relax on them.
Now it’s Neil’s time to shine! Time for socials!
Newuser bug?
More workshops: HTML, CSS, website? + Vim? Emacs?? Git!!
Hackers stopped doing git :c (Actually, Caleb will ask)
- (Tell 61A people it’ll help a lot with 61B)
Once a month? Every two or three weeks?
Club dinner!
LAN parties are ehh :( less social interaction
“Just more of them.”
Asking course staff prior to piazza (cs70)
- Oops.
Wiping status
- Backups have been bought! Are being shipped.
Gaming on personal devices during business hours + videos
Leave gaming open on personal devices!
As long as it doesn’t disturb people.
Just be mindful of other people!
If there’s an issue, comply.
Not technically allowed, still, but if not causing a disturbance then let it rest?
If someone tells you to stop, then stop playing.
1 Hackathon per semester
Two ideas!
General Hackathon
No prompt or theme.
You make whatever you want to make!
Judges like or don’t.
You hope you can hammer something out.
We’ll only have one. Other hackathons to go to; people don’t have enough ideas.
Themed hackathon!
Something similar to Intuit Hackathon.
Best game hackathon?
Best website hackathon? (+1)
“Tinder for cats”???? (meow)
Helpful/Creative themes.
Don’t have to be concrete ideas;
We can have more people come!
Has to be a broad theme.
This will have to be okay with the companies.
Themes that are okay with beginners?
Too many hackathons going on right now. People make choices.
We want a structure that works for a bunch of different themed hackathons!
We want people to stay and make their project feel worthwhile.
- Sponsors donate ideas, and keep possibilities open?
To have a themed hackathon, we’ll have to talk to companies about it.
Megan likes that it’s general and that it’s one per semester because it’s something to look forward to!
The joy of our hackathon is to do whatever you want.
But then people bail!
But also more people show up!
General hackathon + sponsor prizes
People asked about website workshop!
You can integrate website workshop into a hackathon.
We have a server to host websites!
Some workshop where people build something with Caleb??
- + Extensions!
Tabling this discussion.
Intersocietals: UPE, HKN LAN
- UPE is coming here next week!
Academic bear fair
- Nope!
CSUA wishlist: 4 chairs, stickers, server, USB-C, computer, air freshener??, Water Boiler!, mice,
Ray Pan
1st year CS intended.
Haven’t helped out yet; first year, just got here.
I’m in the room a lot and I enjoy the atmosphere of the room, talkng to people, meeting people; I want to help facilitate that.
Henry Rowswell
4th year EECS.
Didn’t help out yet! Just became a member.
Benefited from a lot of CSUA infosessions, and I want to help out since that’s what I’ve been missing in the last few years.
Amir Shahatit
Intended CS, 1st year
Didn’t help out at anything yet!
The CSUA is a cool community; I like the events that people put on, so I want to help keep those going!
Note: We’re non-profit. We can have companies donate to us as a tax-deductible donation.