Attendance: Parth, Julie, Megan, Neil, Yitz, Michelle, Caleb, Barak, Ashley, Vinitra, Jonathan, Victor, Mong, Jason, Jeremy, Susanna,
9/27/16 Meeting Agenda
Couldn’t make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline}
Xunan Buy 9/30 5-8 CAP
- We need Woz access! @Barak. And food.
Workday 10/3 5-8 CAP
Food + Woz access! And FB event.
CSUA Calendar needs to be updated!
Qualcomm 10/7 5-8 CAP
- Food + Event again!
Blizzard 10/13 7-9PM in HP (306).
We have to go day-of to grab the HP key.
They’re not CAP.
Do they want food? We can’t put food in HP. @Sid.
We’ll need to email someone about getting a table from the Woz. @Megan, show this to Barak.
- This is so we can serve food outside HP!
CSUA & HKN LAN Party 10/14 8 - midnight
@Neil. Ask HKN how they’re doing?
Our hardware is a big job, so if they can do room reservation/etc, that’d be good.
We need wired AirBears!
We need to talk to people for this to get this set up.
White-list the MAC address, then you can get on EECS internet!
Also, we’d be able to do cleaning when they’re all gone.
Wii + Computers + Little TV!
Nerdwallet 10/18 5-8 CAP
- Don’t have to worry about it yet.
UPE Co-hosting!
Engineering trivia night (October 25th)
Engineering sports night (October 30th)
TBP, HKN, AWE, Also maybe FemTech
Grab a bunch of sports equipment and food and hang out on the glade!
We’ll have another planning meeting; delegating stuff after that.
- We’ll probably be providing food! Pizza!
We won’t have to do much apart from show up.
UPE is also planning a professional event in november/december with us, potentially.
Not necessarily a company infosession, but a workshop!
Ideas are still up in the air.
Neil just finished midterm, so let’s get started here!
We’ll have a few socials in the next few weeks.
Please go!
Bowling Social
Puzzle room!
“Why don’t we just go to a bar?” -Jeremy
“I’ll buy you drinks for free; just give me $20 for food…” -Jeremy
Ice cream social!
Hot chocolate social??
These socials are intended to be club-active-member events, not fully public events.
Tech-VP Stuff
Returning one of the hard drives! The other one is okay, though.
Jason’ll be backing up the servers.
Our computers are dying :c
Get new computers?
- We don’t need full-out new computers. We can just replace some of the hardware.
We can really consider upgrading a lot of stuff, given our funds.
Newuser bug still exists :(
Server! Caleb has the money; he just needs to do it.
We have slightly new chairs!
People want arms. We’ll get two more chairs with arms.
People can take chairs if they wish!
CSUA wishlist: 4 chairs, stickers, server
End of prosps:
Tushar Pankaj - Not here :c
Jeremy Park
- CSUA’s a cool place. Y’all pretty cool people. (can we just go to the spiel now)
Andres Guzman - Not here :c
Parth Singhal
- Interacted with a lot of people! I feel better about the club and I feel like I can be a part of it.
Victor Sun
- It’s a warm environment, everyone is friendly C: We have social events! The social stuff is nice.
Alex Thomas - Not here :c
Hong Jun Jeon - Not here :c
New prosps!
Mong Ng
Freshman, CS intended.
2 main objectives to why I want to be a CS officer:
It was so hot lately. Soda hall doesn’t have a couch. There’s a couch in the CSUA. Those couches are great!
The cliche one. I want to more involved, and I would like to know where free food is.
I want a PhD first before I watch a movie with some professor…
There are only male professors… (it doesn’t have to be a date actually)
“If you had to go with them, it’s a man-date!”
@John Denero. Tell him the midterm was stupid and skip the date.
Jonathan Tan
Freshman, Intended CS
Neil said, “Wait, aren’t you a prosp?” "What’s a prosp?”
It’s a nice place to hang out and do work.
I’d pick Denero as well, because I want to hear what he sounds like when he’s screaming.
Rundown of Prosp process:
This is your first meeting!
You need 3 points this month.
Put your name at some time slot for a event, or help out with office things!
You’ll come back in 4 weeks.
Megan’s heard of slightly shit-talking things of other clubs, and we want to keep that out of our office. We want to set an example!
PB only
Jeremy is officer now!
Parth is officer now!
Victor Sun is officer now!
Hard requirement of 1 point gained from an event.
We need to set someone to count officer tally points and see who came.
- Officers will need to come and talk to whoever that is.
We don’t want to make exceptions to the 3-point rule…
- Ana, Juntai, Alex needs 3 points :c