11/8/16 Meeting Agenda
Couldn’t make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline}
OpenTable +/Δ
Too quiet
- Give the speaker a microphone!
The talk was long...
Hackathon +/Δ
Lots of people showed up!
We handed out food really well! Gloves, good rationing, etc.
Lots of people showed up!
Food came late :(
People are bound to leave.
People came just to eat and do homework.
- --- This isn’t unique to the CSUA hackathon!
Not enough people with authority walking around.
More officer volunteers?
Not many officers are experienced with running a hackathon (given that many are new officers)
It was run poorly :(
No keys/access to overflow rooms.
- Neil managed to keep them open though.
We should have a sign-in sheet.
- In the past this wasn’t necessary, because lesser amounts of people.
A presentation?
At this time, expect this activity!!
Dinner, events, etc.
Plus a timer on the screen!
@Neil will write up a hackathon document for future hackathons.
Orientation for future officers?
Food got here a bit late.
Microsoft dropped out at the last minute :(
Make this more official?
Hackathon Committee??
Perhaps necessary, perhaps not.
It’s not been necessary in the past. Maybe we need it because we’ve scaled so big now?
But splitting up work creates more work than usual.
Having a committee beforehand isn’t the best idea - it’s not that much work to order stuff.
Sign-up sheet will be useful though!
Was the talk itself valuable? Was it a good time?
Propose: talk right before judging?
- Nah. Most people will leave.
Having tech talks like this before the hacking is pretty typical for any hackathon.
Board games 11/9 5-8
Study hall? Open room??
If y’all want board game night, come to the office!
Neil: 6PM.
Capital One 11/10 5:30
Barak! Food.
We need to order.
Nvidia 11/14 6
- Same thing.
CoreOS 11/17
- Same thing.
GM #3 12/02
Vote for next semester’s PB!
If you’re interested in being PB - come talk to the respective current PB!
Tahoe Trip/Cars
December 3rd-5th
3 minivans! Lil’ soccer moms.
- Plus one cancer car.
If you’re not already on Slack, get on it. There are announcements there
There are 12 beds. Priority will be given to drivers!
After that…. Lottery!
Please don’t put 8 people into the same bed.
If you’re Ray and you’re okay with sleeping with Jonathan and Caleb in the same bed then come talk to Neil.
In general if you’re okay with sleeping in the same bed as someone else, go talk to Neil!
Also, common sleepover room!
***If you have a sleeping bag and are okay with bringing it, let Neil know***
No snow…… but that means a good hike can happen!
Snow doesn’t come until late December.
Bring twenty to fifty dollars for yourselves, solely for food, drinks, so on.
Keep volume down! There are neighbors.
Megan wants to do it. But Megan doesn’t have money. So Megan will not do it.
Yitz might do it??
EECS Budget
Satish Rao came!
Administration costs way too much :c
Our plan of action is more articles and make a bunch of noise and so on.
Problem: EECS doesn’t really want to make noise about this..
But we have to!
We are not going to be buying new computers unless we get STF grant money.
For now, upgrade the computers that we have!
- New CPU cooling fans
Our hypervisor is old :C
Volume. Holy Shit.
Too loud.
Even if it’s not business hours, the room shouldn’t be too loud.
We know we’re a social club but… still. Don’t be too loud.
Officer points
Slightly restructured! Three columns, one for each event to help out at, then one more column for miscellaneous points.
- After an event, you should check if your row has you marked down for the respective event.
Videos of tech talks/infosession?
Interesting ideas?
Ideas for where we can take the CSUA?
- Naahh… that’s already UPE/HKN territory.
Maybe we can just do more workshops? Now that H@B is gone.
End of prosps!
Kevin Wang
Jeffrey Zhang
PB only