Feedback form: https://goo.gl/forms/wvdMo83kiNB9MEjF3
Attendees: Yannan, Barak, Michelle, Jessica, Anna, Jimmy, Jonathan, Kartik, Jason, Tushar, Yitz, Megan (kinda), Robert, Emily, Anna, Eric, Jason #2
Late: Ray, Nina, Neil
2/16 meeting agenda
+/Δ Luminate, Cisco, ML workshop, reading group
Facebook Puzzle Hunt 2/17
Paper reading 3/2
Da Club 3/3
Hackathon 3/4-3/5
Startup fair 3/8
GM2 3/10
Yt channel
Company feedback
Wishlist: showcase, assassins
Vday gifts!
Michelle's taking notes while Yitz is talking!!! :D
+/Δ Luminate
lots of people came b/c we advertised sushi!!
got sushi from Kirala anyway
Robert thought it was interesting, more corporate-focused
Sid said Luminate was happy with it though!!
lots of people stayed afterward to talk
"what did we do for Luminate??? oh right not enough food" - Yitz
"sushi ordering oh god" - Yitz
turns out that Nude Sushi doesn't take orders on Sunday & they only open at night
Kirala: less food for more expensive price
someone said speaker was boring (Eric)
Michelle Julie Nina didn't clean up enough (sorry Sid ;__;)
+/Δ Cisco
"that was quite lit i don't know why we had forks and knives" - Barak
we even had extra sushi but stayed under budget!!!!
tuna was good
"tuna is a great way to measure a sushi place's quality" - yitz
"no it's the wasabi" - eric
Sherry was very surprised/happy with how we pulled everything off!!!
Cisco very happy :D
weird sushi selection: none of the trays had rolls w/fish in them
get Cisco to front a hackathon next time pls
+/Δ ML workshop
30-40 ppl at the start
ppl who stayed until the end were very interested
"the recording shitted out for a moment so I'm gonna re-record that" - Eric (we don't know why it did that)
convey more properly that it's a TensorFlow workshop!!!!!
no one installed TensorFlow beforehand
- very hard to get it set up on your own
get set up better beforehand next time
put more cool stuff in slides ("cancer one was more interesting" - eric; "i wonder why" - everyone else)
maybe not too many cooler things if Eric had to rush towards the end
see prospy Jason's +/Δ under Prosps
Mish will post feedback form on FB event
ML at berkeley has a TensorFlow workshop coming up...
Hopefully deep learning workshop will have more advanced students who have already set things up
"Hit me with fire!!!" - Eric
+/Δ reading group
very good! lots of ppl showed up
Michael targeted the CS group + CS 186 and that was successful
Michael bought Subway cut into pieces and that worked well for food
- Mish will talk to Michael about reimbursements
Facebook Puzzle Hunt 2/17
Sid is handling this but he went home for the weekend!!!! is on a flight rn :(
Barak isn't going, Eric can't go, Emily can't do it, rip
- Barak is gonna choose someone randomly off the list of volunteers to be in charge of Puzzle Hunt??
JT IS IN CHARGE, Bennett will talk to him
in the Woz
FB is handling food, we just need to be there to set up/food
Paper reading 3/2
michael already booked everything
ask Michael if he wants reimbursements for food
Deep Learning Workshop 3/2
2 weeks from now, room booked, everything good 2 go
just gotta make slides
Da Club 3/3
"da clurrrrrb" - megan
bring your ID and it should be fine
Eric is gonna go anyway
hopefully school ID should be fine
the Fri after next Friday
theme prediction is NEON (uhhhh "laundry-theme"....…)
"do you normally not wear clean clothes...?" - Jessica
Hackathon 3/4-3/5
we still don't have sponsors :\
hard to find sponsors this close to such a big event
we are canceling because it is impossible to find a judge :c
we will make next semester's AMAZING~~~
Eric & Sid are gonna push next sem's onto companies that we want immediately
indrel's job is to find hackathon sponsors!!!!!!!!!11!!11!
Startup fair 3/8
everything is going gr8 nothing to report
Eric & Megan need to tell each other shit o no
"my b" -Megan
Eric is leaving soon so Megan & Eric will figure things out, Eric should ping Megan if she forgets
if anyone wants to help Megan find startups, pls pls pls message her!!!!!
GM2 3/10
Tushar's dad is speaking!!
he will send PB an email to make sure it's confirmed
rest is on Neil (but he's sleeping & not here o no)
room is booked, decide food next week (not pizza; Megan wants Angeline's)
Yt channel
LaTeX workshop is up!!! 81 views
12 subscribers
i don't creepily stalk my own channel / "can you stalk your own channel...?" - Jessica
Eric's ML Workshop is "partially" up
"what do you do at office hours?" hard to respond because it was anonymous feedback lol
Office Hour is *your* time to be head of the room: tell people to clean up, greet people, always represent the CSUA well
but we understand this isn't always possible b/c hw and stuff
just be more alert and pay attention to surroundings
Megan/Neil getting new place on the 1st so we can use their place!! :D
(pregame for da club) (off-topic banter about da club and IDs) (Barak and Eric can talk about this later)
leftover things: if you see any bugs, pls report to Root (root slack channel, root email root@csua.berkeley.edu)
everything should work but just let tushar/root know if something is broken
lots of things are on root to do list but understaffed
mark important things as "high priority" to root@csua
eg. water got wiped & reinstalled, killing our only way to get to Venmo b/c it was linked to Neil's old phone that he no longer uses rip, so Yitz needs treasurer email!!!
but it will take some time to get csua emails working :((
- but Tushar can get it kinda working for Yitz
Root Day is next weekend! Saturday 2/25
Caleb will be presenting
room is booked
not yet on calendar -- Megan will add Root Day to CSUA calendar
Root Day is open to all members of the CSUA but not FB event
- mish will send out email~
find ppl who are new members but were unable to get official accounts b/c server was down
Company feedback
this is being sent out to companies
one company says: 10/10, v organized/publicized, smooth event, but event location lacked area for attendants to eat (HP)
yay good job guys
should we have companies write their names on feedback forms?
- yitz says nah b/c anonymous feedback gets better responses
"public funds" - Yitz
Yitz will submit forms "soon TM"
"goddammit Deepak" - Yitz
a few companies had to pay via credit card but Deepak hasn't responded in a week
Caleb also needs to talk to Deepak
lots of talks about forms and filling out forms and etc.
Deepak told Yitz/Caleb the wrong thing :(((
we need to not go through Deepak b/c he's overworked but we don't have a way of receiving credit card payment otherwise
we can't really push Deepak to go faster
course of action: ping him, if he doesn't respond, email companies, tell companies Deepak is being slow, if they're ok w/it they can pay us directly
side note: as treasurer, Yitz has to make funds publicly available to club members
- fun fact if you wanna know how much money we have just ask Yitz!
Jason Yeung
went to IBM & ML workshops
ML +: he is a beginner, nice to get his feet wet in machine learning, liked it
ML Δ: "i like started to nod off towards the end..."
Officer Points
every person should be added to a folder on CSUA drive
you can track your officer points (3 pts/month)
it is UP TO YOU to keep track of your own points
we rolled over Jan. pts to Feb. so you need 3 pts for all of Jan/Feb
Wishlist: showcase, Assassins
both are being tabled
"but they are relevant and on the board every week..." - Megan
mild interest in Assassins
- IT'S SPOONS, not "water in the food" - Robert
Alternative Facts
if you play an instrument and would like to play music, join the new CSUA band!
lots of people play instruments yay
there is a slack channel
Movie Night
next weekend
Jonathan will reserve same room as bday kickback
Champagne & Totoro/Mononoke
the event is called 61B Project Party
"I'm trying to stall for Caleb" - Yitz
"can we not stall, I need to eat" - Barak
Vday gifts!
o no Ben isn't here, Tushar is contacting him
Parth isn't here either :\
why are there multiple linked lists????
yay we r done!!!