Attendance: Jimmy, JT, Jason Y, Jason J, Robert, Nina, Michelle, Eric, Barak, Megan, Sid, Ray, Caleb, Neeeel, Jessica (ur late)
Feedback form: https://goo.gl/forms/wvdMo83kiNB9MEjF3
3/23 meeting agenda
+/Δ Board game night
Blizzard 3/24
Movie night 3/24
Bowling 4/2
Palo Alto Networks 4/3
Box 4/4
GoDaddy wk 4/5
Paper reading 4/6
LAN 4/7
VR + Arch 4/11
Location Labs 4/13
GM3 4/14
Board game night
a. Neil: no one came
b. Everyone else: people did come
c. Neil: okay like 9-12 people came
d. It was a tuesday night, not ideal time
e. Some fresh people came so that was nice
f. Chipotle - already been ordered
i. Barak and hopefully someone else comes to pick it up at 4:30 ii. Lyft back to Soda
Movie Night in Woz
g. Moana confirmed
h. Sunday 4/2
i. No more whitewater rafting.
Palo Alto Networks
j. Slow communication
k. Just an infosession
l. Food
iii. Hummingbird? Montague? Gregoire? iv. Tender Greens?
m. Everyone gets a full sandwich from Montague’s (?)
n. Sid has enough money to front with.
o. Need a projected number of people going
p. Start advertising!
q. Getting Thai food
r. Diversity event!
s. Their Women in Tech people are coming.
t. Advertise as “Everyone [in CS] is welcome”
Paper Reading
LAN Party
u. Smash
v. Signups?? vi. Get everybody signed up from HKN :D for Smash tourney
Events in general
w. So many events early April ;_;
x. Hectic week.
y. Let’s get people helping!
VR + Archeology Symposium
z. Teaming with graduate student group to do this!
a. VR Tech is used lots in archeology, but lots of people don’t know how the tech works.
b. And people making VR can learn about how to do better and learn about this specific usage of VR
c. We are handling food
vii. 2-5 PM - two waves of food
d. Speaker from Oculus
e. Ren Ng is also talking
f. Efros (?) was also contacted
g. We have to advertise this to CS students. “VR Applications!!!”
Location Labs
h. They’re mad at us because of the room reservation screwups :(
viii. Not really our fault though tbh ix. We cut them a discount.
GM #3
i. Interested in running?? Interested in constitutional amendments? Come talk to PB and ask about it!
j. We won’t bite you if you want to take our spot
Alumni “BBQ”
k. 4/23
l. We need to talk to Alumni about this
m. Woz and Courtyard or Memorial Glade?
x. Woz + Courtyard is probably better...
n. No BBQ because of procedural stuff now. TLDR ASUC fucked things up.
o. @Michelle send email out to Alumni!
p. Advertise the keurig..?
xi. Has anyone seen it used? xii. Only Caleb and Sid have used it... xiii. "Sid's personal machine" xiv. Using the machine is inherently inefficient. xv. Maybe we should just move it out of the office and move it to Sid's place.
q. Still need soylent.
r. Computer stuff is ready soon!!!
s. If you want to learn how to make computers, text Jonathan or Caleb!!!
t. Purple and Water are out of commission for now.
u. Help out with root pls! We have to-dos for root!
v. If you recently purchased a lot for the CSUA and need money fast, let me know!
w. Deepak might have missed a couple credit card payments, I think.
x. Please let us know if you cannot reach 3 points!
Uber/Women in CS
y. PB made a decision that we don’t want to host Uber.
z. Megan talked to HKN/UPE about extending this decision to them. HKN is currently discussing it; UPE declined.
xvi. UPE: Though we don't like Uber's acts, it's technically our job to present Uber to the students. It's up to the students to avoid.
a. Even if we don’t host Uber, Uber can talk to other student groups.
b. Politics….
c. We should talk to FemTech and host events with them!
xvii. A mixer?
d. It’s good to know that our general mission of our club is not to sign up as many people as possible - it’s to serve the undergraduate CS groups.
e. Would rather beef up our own server than give money to others so that they can get a GPU
g. Jason Yeung
Michelle’s Speech Part II
h. So last week, I talked about how everyone has a responsibility to uphold their officer duties, regardless of who you are and how old you are and how long you’ve been an officer, and ALSO to report things that are going on in the office, if someone has treated you badly, or if you see someone else treating someone else badly, or if you see yourself treating someone else badly… … . .
i. Going off of that, I want to emphasize that the CSUA is a social club and I know that a lot of you are very good friends but I want you to maintain compassion for each other and still be nice (I feel like I’m talking to kindergarteners). All of us are smart people and we’re all at Berkeley so don’t make fun of people for being dumb. Always keep in mind that all of us are going through our own problems, and keep that in mind like if someone is having a bad day or someone says don’t talk to them, respect their decisions. This is a daily reminder to be a good person!