Jason, Jesse, Ben, Teela, Daniel, Josh, Neil, Starr, Mark, Robert, Emily, Jimmy, Arthur, JT, Eric, Ray, Yitz, Megan, Anna, Neil (supah late), Sid (even later), Mish (really really late)
Welcome lunch +/Δ
CSUA social +/Δ
FB 9/1
GM1 9/1
Pinterest 9/6
Yelp 9/7
TBD 9/9?
Riot LAN 9/11
Riot tech talk 9/12
Meraki 9/14
CS Intended Panel 9/28
Startup fair 10/24
Engaging new recruits
Bi-monthly emails
HKN Collab?
Officer training
Note Bank
Reclaiming the upper-div lounge (341A Soda)
Meeting length
New prosps
Jesse Ou
Ben Wu
Teela Huff
Daniel Wu
Joshua Wang
Neil Palleti
Arthur Kazantsev
PB Only
Mission statements
“Welcome to the first ever CSUA meeting!” -Megan 2017
PB Introductions
Megan Zhu: President
Jonathan Tan: Tech VP
Eric Hou: Indrel VP
Yitz Deng: Secretary/Treasurer
Jason Ji: Internal Events Coordinator
Ray Pan: External Events Coordinator
Emily Gosti: Outreach
Lots of people giving introductions o:
Welcome lunch +/Δ
Good amount of food
Nick Weaver’s presence was good!
And Charlene, too. And Nicole. And Barak Michener. And Lily.
Ben came late, but officers were approachable!
Professors were good to talk to.
Should have gotten a bit more food
Maybe 2nds could have been delayed a bit
Potentially reserve a few pizzas? So people who arrive late can still have pizzas?
A few professors flaked :(
CSUA social +/Δ (“Board game night”)
- The event was enjoyable!
Problem: The event appeared on our calendars, but no officers were there to make the event start.
There was miscommunication on whether or not the event was happening.
PB never confirmed the event.
- Anything that was public should be treated as a public event. This event happened to be on the calendar in public.
All in all, the event could have gone better :( especially at the start.
FB 9/1
Food is getting ordered; Ray is waiting for a call back.
Ray doesn’t have service?? :(
Ordering from Ike’s!
- Catering order is going through, but they’re calling Ray back on payment and etc.
If Ike’s doesn’t get back to us by tomorrow, we’ll need to order something else.
Event is public! FInal push from Emily to get it more well-known
Volunteer sign-up sheet? Already posted.
GM1 9/1
Directly after our FB event!
8-11 PM
King Dong
Sign-up sheets for volunteering and stuff. We need people to be serving food and etc
FB event is up, and is being pushed
Pinterest 9/6
Possibly not happenig anymore??
Not CAP; was supposed to be a workshop, but Pinterest is advertising as not. And thus it’s being blocked.
Yelp 9/7
- Everything is handled! We just need to do publicity.
TBD 9/9?
Professional Development workshop?? :D
1-6 PM
- Drop-in any time? Casual/informal setup
Resume workshop?
We probably can’t staff 1-6PM? =\
@Robert get IEEE on this as well?
@Eric tell the officers about how to critique resumes and so on
Riot LAN 9/11
Eric is following up with Berkeley Legends next week
All we’re doing is advertising
Riot tech talk 9/12
Food is pizza @Ray
Sibley is booked
@Ray please document this process!
- Oh, he already did.
@Megan tell \@Ray how to get the Sibley key.
Meraki 9/14
- We just need advertising and food
CS Intended Panel 9/28
People are stressed about stuff!
This is our attempt to get people less stressed.
Process of declaring? Resources to look for? Panel with Q&A?
@Mish, \@Jason are interested in being on the panel.
@Megan is making the presentation this week and sending it to Slack to check for goodness
Startup fair 10/24
SD Hacks??
Pauley Ballroom
We’re in charge of publicity, buying things, shirts (soft v-necks, more mediums!)
IEEE is doing a lot more.
Engaging new recruits
The social thing last week wasn’t so good :( but it caught a few people!
@Emily welcome email! Email pitch to new people.
@Jason more socials?
Megan: Get a lot of fire noodles and cook them and bring them to the CSUA!
Teela: “Boba is good! Lots of people are interested in that.”
We can have membership separate from emails
Maybe just have a straight mailing list?
It already exists: mail.csua.berkeley.edu
Maybe we should advertise this more
A stand on Sproul?
We’ve shot this down before because we think CS people are in Soda.
But freshmen really spend all of their time in South Berkeley!
“It’s easier to reach out to people on a personal level?”
Maybe we should try it out. Can’t hurt too much.
What do we want from tabling?
More visibility.
Q&A table.
@Megan will look into how to table.
@Megan get more stickers.
Bi-monthly emails
Twice a month, not once every two months!
Emails are good for events.
Email blast… today!
(leave out pinterest)
Are people interested in having the Woz open on Sundays to walk in, study, work, have snacks and stuff?
Sundays are typically open.
@Jason can book a trial run for a few weeks.
@Yitz Corral all the responoses
@Megan heckle people who didn’t respond
New calendar for tutoring hours
Done, except for SSH! SSH currently doesn’t work.
Eric/JT SSH issues
“I asked him, but JT was playing Destiny” -Eric
“Make a ticket!!!” -JT
HKN Collab?
@Megan has yet to email HKN about getting closer
Workshops, socials, LAN party, tutoring
Just want our clubs to get closer together; collaborate on more things.
New website, new logo, new flyers, etc
@Megan ordered sheet things (?)
The goal is to make CSUA events more visible as “CSUA Events”
Make sure the new stickets have the new bear @Megan
The new people in this room don’t really like it :(
Officer training
For officers to get more in touch with how to approach people!
How to be friendly, and etc
Officer Cleaning
Note Bank
Adnan’s office note bank
Having people take notes, and be stored in the note bank
We’ll just be hosting it?
Reclaiming the upper-div lounge (341A Soda)
Megan emailed Cindy (who is like David Michael Sasson but isn’t David Michael Sasson), and she said that’s not true at all.
Even Chris Hunn thought this was our room??
Maybe we could just claim this room for tutoring
Workshops all booked, dates all finalized, except for professional workshop
With the exception of prof workshop, every workshop has someone assigned
Ensure Fall 2017 spreadsheet is up to date
Also, update the calendar
@Ray \@Jason
HP Access? Jason knows how.
When we put the FB events for the workshops up, put a little “workshop series” thing up too with links to the events!
Meeting length
This meeting didn’t do too badly!
We’re going to keep all the meetings under a minute. We’ll try.
Let’s not get too off-topic.
NVidia Server
Long story short, NVidia donated a large Tesla cluster to us, so we have lots of stuff for computations and deep learning and etc!
Ideally revealing on AI day in late september.
Any ideas on demos? Email @Sid!
Maybe talk to BAIR about demo ideas?
We need officers!
Website needs work
indrel would like help
Events also need help
Officers do all of this!
Office hours once a week, where you keep the office open
- No other requirements, but just be welcoming!
X numbers of points per month
Maybe less points for freshmen? Would be more welcoming for freshmen to ease them in
PB has yet to agree on this.
Additional incentive for more points?
- PB doesn’t want to make you feel like you’re not doing enough :( But we really need extra help for stuff.
How do you get points?
helping out at events
tutoring (1 point for each 1hour/week)
Ray or Jason may award additional points for helping out for extra long
Tasks around the office (trash, recycling, cleaning)
New prosps
Name, Year, Major, why are you interested in the CSUA in general, why are you interested in Officership*?, Professor + Movie
Jesse Ou
2nd year, CS
“I don’t regret getting denied by the other clubs because this is cool!”
“I want full access to the office”
Denero+Emoji Movie
Ben Wu
1st year EECS
Got introduced to CSUA through the Discord chat, people left a good impression on me! It’s a welcoming club.
I’ve heard it’s best to learn through teaching.
Paco Burrito (?) (turns out it’s Brito not burrito) + Her
Teela Huff
Freshman, CS
CSUA makes a larger impact directly on CS, versus IEEE, which is such a general club. We’re more specific!
Want to make actual change in CS and CSUA is better for this than certain others
Michael Cohen + Hidden Figures
Daniel Wu
Freshman, CS
“I thought this seemed like a pretty fun place, and I went there, and it was a pretty fun place”
“I have a lot of time and I want to do some nice things; not sure about the future”
Denero + Snakes on a Plane
Joshua Wang
CS + music minor maybe
CSUA was one of the first club I was exposed to! This club has good vibes
Really big into organizing things and being a leader
Denero+”I’ll have to ask him”
Neil Palleti
Freshman, CS
Met Eric, and he told me all about the CSUA. I want to be a part of it and have the resources!
I want to help provide these resources and help my peers out.
Sahai + Baby Driver or Mad Max
Arthur Kazantsev
Junior, Econ+CS
“A lot of you know me as the video game prodigy as I am, but not many of you know me as a student… but that’s because I’m not a good student” But CSUA inspired me to go back and do CS and it’s the reason I call myself a double major. I’ve seen people come by the office and are super passionate about CS.
I want to help people find this kind of community that CSUA gives and be a part of this.
Rao on a date to see 500 Days of Summer and make dad jokes
Starr Yang ★★★★★★★
Freshman, CS
Discord! Little freshman scared by the GPA cap; Eric Hou assured us that everything was okay.
Want to contribute to the club + general CS community
Denero + Shawshank Redemption
Mark Hill
Freshman EECS
It’s a cool club to come in and socialize, and I played Exploding Kittens here
Perks are pretty good
Frenkel + any Marvel movie
Anna Brewer
- Now an officer!