1/25 CSUA Meeting agenda
Attendance: Arthur, Daniel, Ani, Eric, Bill, Catherine, Robert, Jessica, Nurrr, Sophie, Megan, Ray, Anna
- Late: Kevin, Ben, Nithin, Neil, Jeffrey
Goals this semester
We have flyers to pass out!
Will be monthly flyers!
We may have a hackathon!
Anna has a contact at some big VR company :O
VR themed hackathon/day long workshop?
Megan/Anna will figure this out
Root availability - tech meeting
One of our goals was to make root more avaliable
Not publicized well so only one person came :(
Possible root day this or next weekend to kick off tech meetings
- Robert wants to have the date set my tomorrow
Recurring tech meetings after root day “Mini root day”
Robert will send info to Jessica because it’s a tight timeline and make an announcement at GM1
Maersk is our NVIDIA GPU cluster! (50k worth of CPUs/rack)
Giving computing resources to the general public!
Robert (but mostly Nithin and Mark!) is trying to get up before root day so that people can work on it during root day
If anyone is interested go to root day and build things!
Eric may not do ML because ML is going up the wahoo with their workshops
Sid/Eric might do distributed computing/blockchain
Arthur is gonna figure out when to schedule workshops
Barak Michener - Kubernetes
Robert wants to do Vim workshop (will talk to Yitz about tips and resources)
Arthur should ping Jessica when he’s done with that
Ray will send an email to all who want to tutor to contact Megan with their transcript and set up a spreadsheet
Tutoring has been an issue with figuring out how to publicize and we’re not 100% sure on what to do if non-officers want to do tutoring
Podcast & YT
Anna made a list of things that we need
Might be a good investment to get a lighting set for a more professional feel
- Nerissa has a cheap set :o
Anna should start buying what she needs and posts an interest form for this project and ask professors to be on the podcast
We have a CSUA camera on the way!
JT has a personal camera for events but is not here
We should have an officer who’s designated to take pictures at events
And if you’re there please help by taking random pictures of the event!!
We should be using the photos and thinking about how we should use the photos as promotional material (flyers!!)
Jessica should update the photos on the website, and someone should teach Jessica how to do that
Room reorg & back room
We got a new table and a swanky new table setup it fits nicely and the room is messy
Backroom is just bad and there’s a lot of unnecessary things…
- We’ll find a day to clean it
Swag & Branding
Megan has a banner and a table runner
Anna posted some designs on the slack
“Some of them were memes but some of them were legitimate” - Anna
A lot of people liked the only one that Anna didn’t make :’)
“Computer Science Social Club”
Supreme logo :’)
We need something slightly more on the professional side
Also more consistency with colors/fonts
Megan will order banner and tablerunner today
Anna will figure out shirts
Officer opportunities
Point per month
Can put on resume
Get people to join and appreciate the CSUA
Can tell course staff that you’re tutoring
Ray will send out a followup email soon
Resume book
Ray will send things when charging companies!
Check your email to be in the resume book!
Website - tutoring? OH list? "$BLURB"? ‘Same’?
Update office hour link on website
Need to update website with tutoring page
Put in office hours so Jessica can update the page!!
Same does not mean actually same
Add mouseover photos!!
Update photos
We talked about this last time too
Lead things
WB Social
HUGEEE Turnout
- Ty department
Food was great and we had just about enough
UPE helped pay
Good job Arthur!!
We should do more events like this to this standard!
Good advertising
- Department, Flyer, UPE?, Piazza, FB Group spam and advertisement
UPE wasn’t here, just one officer was there
- They were sorta annoyed by the bill >.<
Timeline was short
We need utensils/plates/gloves
- Should prep earlier and debrief on what to do for bigger events
A lotta people 116 people towards the middle of the event
Good job Daniel for checking out mic
82 going, 641 interested, 140 RSVP
We’ve been doing a lot better in terms of outreach!
Paid ads, facebook spamming
Sliver delivered very late…. 30 minutes late :(
Be careful about Sliver orders
But also IEEE ordered too… Unlucky
The actual mics in sibley weren’t even there…
- Daniel should report this
“It was good” - Daniel
“I didn’t get a good headcount because I’m short” - Daniel
60-80 people
They did food
Yelp said they liked it
- Didn’t save food for Yelp people
GM #1 1/26
Some place that Arthur forgot the name of - Thai food
Jessica will spam later tonight so we will have a better count on attendance
Arthur will buy some food and prepare the slides and put a volunteer spreadsheet out
- Megan will be talking about HKN/IEEE about the fair
We should book a room for that
Megan will book a room for it
Amazon 2/15
- It will be happening
- Megan will ask JT about Costco
- Fun fun fun
Faculty lunches? First is Feb 15
- Ben has it under control
Prospective Officers!!!
Freshman intended CS
CSUA has the ability to reach out to a larger group of people, and he feels like he can make an impact instead of studying in his room
Officership is a good way to help people and its a team of people to work with
“I want to take Daddy Denero to The Room”
Senior CS
She met us last sem and thought we were cool :O :O :O!!!! Also she wants to give back to the community
Officership is good to get maybe some leadership skills and take a stronger role in giving back to the community!
Weaver + Hacker movie for the entertainment value
Freshman EECS major
He went to a lot of our events last semester (ML Workshop + Tech talks). He enjoyed listening to companies talk about things and the free food.
Officership because it's good to help people out!
Sahai to Inception and pester him to explain so that everything will be even more confusing!
PB Meeting
Should have PB/Shadow and then PB only so shadow doesn’t have too much influence
Damnit Sid
- He doesn’t want it because its bad…
We can give it to the staff
We approve all prosps!