2/1 CSUA Meeting agenda
Attendance - Ray, Megan, Jessica, Nerissa, Daniel, Arthur,
Robert was sliiiightly late >:(
Ani was more late :<
Jeffrey was even more loate .-.
Eric was even even more late >.<
Goals this semester
Jessica is going to make a February flyer!! (after 61c)
Root day is on our flyer!
Arthur has some community events so he should message Jessica with info after
Room is booked (Woz)
Megan will send a formalized schedule to Anna so we have something concrete for companies
Regents wanted a room to host a hackathon
Anna should talk to rcsa about what they want to do
- If they want to cohost we can take their $ and run something good hehexd
Open theme/Super broad theme
Cost 4k
Manning the hackathon
Get judges for the hackathon
Megan should talk to other clubs about cohosting post figuring out RCSA thing!
Root, Root day
We have publicity!!!
Thank Jessica!
- Probably will post on CSUA page so we don’t get too many randos
Still blocked by Robert
Nithin or Mark and Robert, atleast two of them will need to go into server room and install the OS
- Everyone is busy :<
Need to get it done before Sunday
Caleb wants to reinstall soda vm so it can get put back up so we have @soda.csua again!
Robert has things under control
- And will make his notes into slides for root day
Arthur is scheduling them, he’s waiting on people to respond to schedule the dates
Yitz LaTeX, next two weeks
Robert Vim
Eric CV/Autonomous Vehicles
Barak Michener Kubernetes
Ask JT about docker workshop
Ray will send an email blast/slack blast about what tutor reqs are
Showing Megan transcript
Officer points
Must show up to your own OH
If we have no people wanting to do this we will not have tutoring
If 10+ people have interest, then we going full force
Podcast & YT
Anna is not too sure about what she should be doing here
- The roles haven’t been planned out
Podcast Planning Committee
AV - video, camera, lights, mics
Interviewers - Atleast 1, maybe 2
Editing the video
Scheduling interviews/Outreach with professors
2 is a good number of podcasts hopefully for this semester
Anna should blast #officers with an interest form and make a slack channel
Might be worthwhile to write a project description so people know what’s going on
Also make sure there’s good amounts of interest among officers
Prof visibility
- More personable
Prof research
- Advice, etc
20-30 mins could be good
For maximal success, have people with connections with professors help out in outreach
- Megan can try to talk to Josh Hug
Anna should a timeline of things to do and buying things
Make a when2meet? For what times work and schedule people at times that work.
- Jessica will post all the pictures at once on our FB page!
Room reorg & back room
Room is decent shape now
JT cleaned it, bless him
Swag & Branding
Anna made things!!
A polo shirt
- Sorta annoying because have to order women’s/men’s sizes
Long sleeve shirts/Crew necks
- Super cheap :o
Paste designs into office chat and people will voice their opinions with emojis!
Megan ordered things!!
Not updated website, OH linked to wrong thing
People will be working on things during root day!
Things will go onto root todo list
- Jessica will forward anything necessary to Robert
GM #1 1/26
People mingled!!
Good organization
Attendance :( (like 10 different GMs)
Expensive food
Too much food
Was advertised a bit worse
Too many events on the same week leading to confusion on what to advertise first
Should be doing 3day/1day advertising
Startupfair 3/7
Nothing in particular needs to happen on this on our end
Megan will take care of things
Hackathon 4/14-15
Amazon 2/15
There’s no information on it but that they’re talking about internships..?
Anna will ask Bennett
- And then Stephanie if still unconfirmed
We will make an event when we have detail
- It happened and we have food
Arthur has two ideas!!
Karaoke night for officers/prosps 2/16
Limited to officers for uh reasons
Good time for event
Arthur will make an interest form
Movie night!!
Some kind of late night kickback type thing in Woz
Open to everyone
Through the night and hang out?
Friday/Saturday evening
Late Feb/Early March
Another fun social with BGs/DDR
LAN Party with HKN here?
Arthur will look at dates this weekend
Arthur will do anything yall want if you have ideas!
PB Only
Getting members more involved in projects
Working with companies(startups) on projects?
CSUA isn’t too well suited for this
- Join CSUA for fun times but we don’t have any vetting or anything to make people stick to the projects - Megan
Maybe have a trial run?
We sorta have with Maersk…
Obligation vs Interest has a huge difference
A lot of people haven’t worked on Maersk even though Robert has been trying to push it…
Root day and company projects aren’t the same but they’re pretty similar
CSUA is a hub for people to meet and possibly connect, not a place for projects
“We have a small amount of impact on students on campus” - Eric
Send out an interest form?
Educate and then allow people who are good to work on company projects?
Needs a new PB role, will continue on this later
- Arthur will make a mock format of this and send it on slack