Present: Megan, Nerissa, Robert, Arthur, Daniel, Ray, Jessica, Justin
Late: Anna
Quite late: Jeffrey
Goals this semester
Jessica was going to make a flyer and that never happened because our dates never became solid…
No point in a flyer at this point for February
March Flyer soontm
Nvidia server name decision
Right now the name is Maersk which is trademarked and doesn’t fit our convention
How about Latte/Coffee/Tesla/Nvidia instead?
- Externally known as Tesla but internally as Latte?
Password security/soda rebringup
Robert recently pwned a bunch of people’s passwords through a password cracking suite.
700 accounts cracked within a day…
- 10 people want their accounts back
Soda bring up
It’s the public portal to our server
Caleb’s in charge and is setting up the VM
Contact Robert/Caleb if you’re interested
LaTeX booked for 2/27(Next Tuesday!) taught by Yitz
Setup at 630, 7-8 will be the presentation
Jason will be helping
Arthur should send out a signup sheet for helpers
Jessica should advertise the event on facebook/cs70 piazza
Vim/tmux on 3/9 taught by Robert
5:30-6:00 setup for everything, short intro to ssh/bash
6:10-7:00 beginners vim+tmux
7:10-8:00 advanced topics
Jessica should get the event on posted facebook
Jessica will send out an email to general member if they want to become tutors
Officers can tutor with B+/higher in the class
General members can tutor during another officer’s OH if they are vetted by PB and have a B+/higher in the class
Root should set up the calendar and get tutoring hours on the calendar
Loren is interested in helping but Anna needs more people to help
More info is on the #officers slack
When we get the podcast rolling, have some way of getting feedback
We also need to get AV equipment and people to do editing
We are using Robert’s Polaroid camera to take pictures at our events
Robert will buy film for the camera and coordinate how to deal with the camera with Arthur and Daniel
We’ll put photos in the office
pls subsidize our top tier hoodies so we can order more
- Doesn’t make sense to subsidize, not really CSUA wide hoodies or include much of our branding minus the name and website
Anna should post the shirt design on #officers and we should get the shirts asap if there aren’t objections
It’s important for us to have something that we can wear consistently
Snek snek snek snek snek snek snek snek snek snek snek sssssssss
Their meeting is during our PB meeting so we aren’t there
It doesn’t really feel like something that fits CSUA
We want more information before advertising/partnering/whatever
- Funds are good, we are still in the process of getting our public funds
We are getting rid of the officer infraction form and instead publicizing the feedback form a lot more
If people are breaking the rules, if you don’t want to call people out, bring it up with someone on pb
If you’re confused on an office rule, ask someone on PB for clarification
Slack usage
- We are going to make slack more public so that people can add themselves and be in the CSUA loop
Upcoming Events
Movie night 2/23
Canceled because like 4 other clubs are screening Coco this weekend...
W______ in the Woz
Only advertise in #officers
“Arthur will be spending the majority of tomorrow thinking of something fun to do”
C3 IoT 3/6
CAP Infosession
Anna will get the budget for food and get it to Daniel
Startup fair 3/7
Megan is handling this, if you want to help her contact startups for the startup fair, contact her for some officer points and free food
Megan will send out a signup sheet soon
GM2 3/7
We had one alumni reach out to us about talking at GM2
- Anna should contact him ASAP
Sandwiches for food!
Jessica should put the event up soon on FB
- Speaker TBD
Capital One 3/20
- Its booked and CAP
Blizzard 3/21
- Request has been sent in for Sibley
Hackathon 4/14-4/15
IEEE wanted to partner with us
Publicize + Joint event
Megan will email them to figure out things
RCSA too
Megan will be meeting with them tomorrow about the terms of the partnership
If they’re not fine with working with IEEE too, our preference is with IEEE
Transfer Tours 5/4 11-12
Right before the end of deadweek
Free lunch!!!
Help out transfer students by giving them tours and information about Berkeley EECS
Maybe late March? Not anytime soon though
We should rename this so that people are not confused on what this is
Karaoke will be next Friday and send out an interest form soon
Arthur will make a private facebook event for this in whatever channel he thinks is appropriate
AWE mixer?
- Arthur will be figuring this out
- It happening, come to play board games/smash!
+ / - / Δ
Amazon 2/15
Attendance was more than 100
Amazon liked it
Very slight overestimate of food, but thats ok
Swag wasn’t properly managed and people just took it
- Hide it
Student-faculty lunch 2/15
- “Was chill” - Anna
Wayfair 2/21
Sushi was good
Turnout was OK, better than expected
Great flexibility by Daniel/Anna
Room booking issues
We were contacted very late by the company, bad timeline
The mailing list is fixed
PB should forward job posting to the jobs mailing list
Authorize it on the mail server
- We should centralize all the passwords...
S@B Room Booking
- Ray will pick up keys tomorrow, come by if you want to play Melee/Smash 64/Wii U
What events did you help out at
Why CSUA/Officership?
Freshman, Intended CS
GM1, Took out trash, Amazon
He didn’t do many ECs in his first semester and wanted to do more things, and has really gotten a feel for the sense of community :)
“Came for the tutoring, stayed for the mechanical keyboards” - Ani 2k18
Pretty good
Go over account things
Name every member of PB and their positions
- He did it!!!
Senior, CS
Amazon, food + photos, trash + vacuum
She likes being carried in 184 :’). She wants the CS department to be a nice place and wants to support people in their CS related struggles
Attempt 1: F-
Attempt 2: Questionable
We need to do another office training….
Where are the forks?
- The back room which is officers only!
Where’s the fire extinguisher
- It’s on the bookshelf
Someone pays for aloe with a $10 bill, wut do?
Put bill in lockbox
And give people change
Freshman, EECS
Helped out a Wayfair, Cleaned up the office
Beforehand he wanted to join the CSUA to help out at events and to tutor people, but now he likes us and hanging out with us!
Someone comes in and wants to buy a soda on venmo, wut do?
- Venmo account is @BerkeleyCSUA, check price sheet for prices, make sure item and officer name is on the venmo note, and make sure the payment goes through
Pretty good!
Should go over member benefits
- Computers + Servers
Tell them to join slack/facebook group/page
And mention the event board
- We vote yes on everyone!! :)
They were wondering about how to connect more with Berkeley students
We should also refer them to some video game specific clubs
If they want CS specific things, we’d be happy to help tho!