Here - Jessica, Bill, Megan, Daniel, Kevin, Nithin, Sean, Starr, Jonathan, Robert, Benji, Ray
Late - Ani
Later - Arthur
Goals this semester
- Megan is working on this tonight and will send it to Jessica
AC went out and now we can’t use our Nvidia computing server for a while
Soda is back up! Thanks Mark/Caleb/Robert!
Robert is resetting bad passwords
Let Robert know if you want to help with root things!!
Arthur not here
He should talk to Barak Michener on the Kubernetes workshop
Robert’s tmux/vim workshop is fine!
At 5:30PM tomorrow so go and learn how to be a more productive programmer!
Needs to be spammed on general groups
Megan sent out a message that we’re doing tutoring on facebook
We now have a non-officer tutor :o
And a working calendar!!
Jason is taking this over
- Anna is overworked >.<
No updates for now
Robert ordered the polaroid film and will put it in the backroom
We can glue pictures into the graffiti group :o
And put some on walls too!
Swag/rebranding 3/20
- Crewnecks are coming on 3/20
They want to make a series of workshops/talks to help startups grow
If anything is interested making this collaboration happen, ping Megan on slack, they want to collaborate rather than just have us send people
Megan believes this is useful as Luca(primary point of contact) said he is aware of sneks and doesn’t want those types of people onboard
Bear Founders
They’re a platform for startup recruiting specifically at Berkeley
They want to sponsor the startup fair next semester
They wanted to hold a workshop on entrepreneurship with us!
We have $!!!
Will be around 45k by the end of the semester
- 5k~ deficit but almost all due to Computing Server (9k cost)
Upcoming Events
Capital One 3/20
- Megan should remind Anna to email capital one
Blizzard 3/21
The event is up and should be spammed soon
In Sibley
Hackathon 4/14-4/15
We’re working with IEEE!!!
If you want to work on planning this join the following slack
- Csua-ieee-hackathon.slack.com
IEEE is helping us split deficits and also helping with manning and planning the event!
We should probably make the website for the website
Which we should do ASAP
Megan will have a rough draft of what should be on the page by Monday
- Thanks root :)
Someone emailed us about collaborating with a hackathon!
Hopefully we’ll get a sponsor
They mislabeled us as Calhacks but itsk,
The House is contacting all of their startup to see if they want to sponsor and Anna is in contact with them
We should start doing publicity ASAP
Megan is going to the event up by the end of this week
2 Week beforehand - Prizes food
Food Plans
- Dinner, Sushi, Boba, Breakfast, Lunch!!
You should go especially if you haven’t been to a hackathon before!!!
It’s a very very useful experience so yeah!
In the Woz, late afternoon/evening
Somekind of social that arthur will figure out at some point soon tm
AWE mixer
Arthur is working on a date with AWE still, around noon/one in about two weeks.
Food + Ice breakers
Arthur will have a date ASAP
Arthur will talk to Nerissa about it
We could do it right before speak break!
+ / Δ
It was fun!
People came :o
And stayed for 3 hours
- CS70 homework feelsbadman
LAN party
It went super well
DDR was great!
We played jackbox and boardgames and MELEEEE
- Not very many CSUA people :(
Startup fair
It went really well!
6 companies signed up 2 weeks before
13 companies signed up week before
20 companies there day of!!!
- Very late signup…
There are extra shirts if you want!
- Will be in the backroom
There will be videos up soon
We’re thinking of setting up a sponsor tier for next semester
- Money $
Food was great
Need less people for setup
Cleanup happens earlier than 4-5PM
Do the point form if you helped!
- Fill it out before we forget pls
Amazing speakers
Arthur did a great job moderating!
GJ to Anna on
A bit less moderation and more QA next time perhaps
- Originally we through there would be 4 people so QA might’ve jank
Lower attendance
- Hard to publicize an event on Wednesday which is so specific to CSUA >.<
Sean Meng
- Sean Meng, Freshman, EECS
He hangs out in the CSUA a lot because there’s a lot of Costco food at low prices!!
And the people are pretty cool
Why CSUA Officership?
- He feels like he takes too much resources without giving back and wants to give back to the community
Professor + Movie
- Anant Sahai, The Imitation Game
What to do with CSUA FB Group
Robert will link the group and the page
Not entirely sure of the usecases of the group
We open the group up to be more public in terms of posting
- But we need to make sure that we are moderating