Here: Daniel, Benji, Megan, Nithin, Arthur, Anna, Jonathan, Robert, Ani, Ray
Late: Sean, Sritam
Later: Jesse, Justin
Goals this semester
- Megan made a March flyer!
Nvidia server should be pushed to public in the next couple of days
- Thanks Mark and Nithin!
Robert emailed people on how to reset passwords for those who had bad passwords
Reach out to Caleb if you want to help out with the website!
Arthur should contact Barak Michener about a Kubernetes workshop
- We need to push these workshops earlier and better
It’s going well!
Expect more foot traffic in the CSUA during Megan’s OH
Megan should ping Jessica about tutoring
We should scrap this project for this semester
It takes a huge amount of motivation and time in order to get this running and we don’t have the bandwidth
Might be a good effort to revisit this over the summer and the fall
- Or keep this in mind so that we can start up in the fall quickly
Also we don’t have the equipment as of now
In conclusion we’re only going to plan this during this semester and not work on it for now
Ideas to test run equipment
We could film a CS Q&A video for incoming freshmen
- Megan should ping Ani about this
Hackathon timelapse?
Robert has the film and the camera for polaroid pictures!
What should we take pictures of?
Officer pictures board!!
Could help with familiarity of people
Megan will take care of this
Event photos
- Swag will be mailed in a week
They’ve yet to contact us
We’re going to wait for them to show initiative
- We have enough on our plate atm and if they show initiative then this might be work it
Bear Founders
- Megan is meeting with them next week to figure out partnerships
JT ordered us some so we will have soylent
- I give it 3 weeks
Upcoming Events
Capital One 3/20
Facebook event is up
We should push this ASAP
- Megan will spam this event thenks :)
Arthur can be the point of contact for this event
- Anna and Daniel should get Arthur up to date on what is happening
Capital One wants burritos for food
- Prolly gonna get La Burrita
Blizzard 3/21
Anna will ask them what kind of food they want for the event
We will advertise to esports groups, but make sure that people understand that is a tech talk
Hackathon 4/14-4/15
Come to the hackathon! It’ll be a great time and you can put something on your resume :)
- Go here if you want to help plan things
- We have a site!
Ideally not “CSUA/IEEE Hackathon” because not inclusive enough
Cub Hacks?
Mildly confusing
But itsk because we’re still running a hackathon
If you care about the name go on the slack
Soda Hacks?
Megan is making a flyer tonight for the hackathon and update the facebook event and then we
In the coming weeks we need to plan out food and prizes and find sponsorships
Give The House one more week to follow up and if that doesn’t work we can find alumni to judge hopefully!!
JT’s friend in VR@B wants to for VR\@B to partner with us for the hackathon and provide computers and oculuses for projects
We should get terms of agreements
And see if IEEE is fine with this
VR company wants to have an event with CSUA and we could just ask them for judges and have them run a workshop if VR@B joins us because we’d have VR stuff!
We should post this information on slack ASAP
AWE mixer
3/21 Wednesday 2-3:30
Should be fun!
- Arthur is looking at dates right before Spring break, the Friday
Will probably be Friday/Saturday/Sunday before dead week
We are probably going 2-3 hours out
Give Arthur feedback if you have any
More planned activities would be useful
- Group activities!!
4k Budget
+ / - / Δ
Robert got a recording of the workshop
- He should upload it ASAP on youtube/facebook
Workshop went well regardless though!
Not many people showed up
About 8 people showed up total
Not bad considering the time (5:30 on a Friday)
Try to prevent Friday workshops in the future
- Sritam, Math/CS, Freshman
- He came to many infosessions and has friends in the CSUA
Why CSUA Officership?
- He wants to be more involved in the projects that happen here
Professor + Movie
Sahai and 50 Shades of Grey….