Goals this semester
Megan is making one after this meeting
Daniel will print flyers
- We can use Soda hall printers
Nvidia GPU cluster has been deployed officially
Need to add a bit of documentation
We need to advertise the project now, halp Jessica
Root meeting to figure out what we want to do with the website
Its pretty but it’s hard to maintain
Make it prettier and more mobile friendlier
We’re probably going to move back to Django, easier cuz Python!
- Tabled for next semester
- Is going well
- Tabled till future
We have camera and we can take photos!
See Officer Photo Day below for more info
We got the crewnecks
They’re super soft on the inside
- They’ve yet to contact us
Bear Founders
- Megan is meeting with them tomorrow
Arthur is trying to figure out details for retreat this weekend
Megan should check in with Arthur daily to make sure that this gets done
Arthur should figure out drivers by tomorrow night
Arthur should book housing by Saturday night
Upcoming Events
Officer Photo Day
4/7, we’ll take nice photos!
Wear nice clothes or the crewneck, it’ll be lit
Hackathon 4/14-4/15
We have 230~ responses to the form
We have a lot of sponsorships atm so thats great
We’re trying to get a sponsorship from Scalable Press from Eric :o
Anna is doing an amazing job with outreach for this!
Sign up NOW if you want to go
- Applications are closing tomorrow
Sign up on the volunteer form for the hackathon!! It’ll be super great
- And you’ll get guaranteed entry to hackathon!!
We’re doing costco runs the Friday before it
Riot Games 4/17
We have an info session with them!
Jessica/Megan should put up the facebook page for that now
GM #3 4/17
We need someone to lead GM3
We should also
Alum bbq 4/22
We have posted to the facebook, linkedin, irc, and the mailing list
Come out and meet our alumni!
We’ll probably get sandwiches
Food + Board Games
This weekend we might have a kickback :o
- At Arthurs
And next weekend too :o
- At Nerissa’s
Why CSUA Officership?
What was your first impression of the CSUA?
Professor + Movie
Kristine Lin
Senior, EECS
She knows Megan, Nerissa, and sorta Neil and they say nice things about CSUA and she wants to meet nice people because of that :o
She wants to give back to CSUA after getting a lot from CSUA events
Her first impression was delivering bread to Nerissa
- “It’s the first time I’ve seen Megan so authoritative which is surprising”
Music Professor to Black Panther