10/21/15 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Austino, Leo, Megan, Neil, Barak, Kevin, Yitz, Sid, Jason, Susanna, Ana, Claire, Angela
Castlight Infosession:
- Turn out was fine
Cavier screwed up and didn’t give us enough food
fixed it!
- Lets just not use Cavier for delivery anmore.
Movie Night with UPE:
decent turn out (~20)
people talked between the clubs
food was good
Movie choice could have been a lot better
delivery food was kinda weird
didn’t have a key to get table out of HP storage room
no sign up sheet for officers to help out
Twitch Infosession (10/28):
Twitch wants sliver and veggi/vegan/gluten free
Sliver + Salad ??
can we confirm with them to see what they want to do
aiming for 100 people
- pick up drinks on the hackathon run this next Tuesday
Hackathon (10/29 - 10/30):
1st Prize: Monitors ($150 - $200)
2nd Prize: Headphones ($100 - $150)
3rd Prize: External Harddrive ($50 - $100)
Want to do something like honorable mention?
We have Chromecasts in the back -> want to get rid of them
could also buy some raspberry pis
just pick four teams -> “honorable mention”
Jason reached out to Microsoft, Google, Pinterest, Meraki
Jason will email some more companies
- Call Meraki soon
Will ask for alumni by next Tuesday
Finalize the poster
add the ADA/ASUC thingy to the bottom
print and post!
In class announcements:
make a spreadsheet and someone needs to go do it
make facebook posts in different groups
Costco Pizza for dinner
midnight sushi
Noah’s in the morning
LaVals for lunch
wanted to get sandwiches, but they’re not that great from LaVals
could replace it with Indian food?
Thai food?
Think that we are going to do half and half Montegue’s and LaVaals
Want to order this weekend/early this week
- Megan is going to pick up some Halloween stuff this weekend!!
- Austino needs to make the website before this Sunday
NerdWallet (11/3):
Still haven’t responded?
Megan will email them again and see what’s up
GM2 (11/4 6:30 - 10):
Jeff Atwood Speaking
- Susanna will ask him what he wants to talk about so we can publicize
- still undecided
- get it out and posted by next Wednesday
Facebook event has been pushed
- add that Jeff Atwood is the cofounder of StackOverflow
Office Misc:
Re-arrange the office:
Ana is in charge
See the email for the new layout
will be happening on 10/31 at 10 AM
deep clean office
going to get a written proposal from Neil/Sanath
No real way to really distinguish what’s work and what’s not
if we rearrange the room for work space/computer space
desktops are more of a first come - first serve
still reasonable to ask someone to use the computer to work
contact Twitch and see what they want to do about the gluten free/veggi options
post the hackathon facebook event in different groups
find out who is going to be coming up to Berkeley with a car and when, etc.
follow up with NerdWallet
contact more companies for a hackathon judge
call Meraki about hackathon judge
Print and post the hackathon posters
post the GM2 flyers by next Wednesday (6:30 - 10)
- Create a hackathon website
- check with Jeff to see what he wants to talk about at the meeting
- Office re-arrangement!