1/19 Meeting Minutes
GM #1
1/22 6-9 or 1/27 8-11
1/27 from 8-11
Get the room ~7:30 if the event ends when it says it will
Start voting ~7:45
Start the GM around 9:00
9 Seems a little bit late for dinner
maybe do some snacks?
Pizza seems like a good idea
West coast pizza!
Aim for ~80 people, order on Sunday
Should we do something for recruitment?
yes; put up some slides during board games
sign people up for the mailing list instead of accounts
makes sure that people know what the difference is between the two
Get 2-4 computers and two tables: one for mailing list and one for accounts
Election for < 1 hour and board game night
Sid: FB event, In class announcements, Posters, Piazza
FB Event:
- get up before end of day tomorrow (Wednesday)
In Class Announcements:
61A, B, C, CS10
Piazza Posts too
Unix (2/1)
Vim (2/3)
- Ana will do this one
C refresher (1/25)
- Austino needs to talk to Wagner about this
Facebook events and class announcements
Send out a sign-up sheet for helpers
Election details
Claire is going to appoint a moderator
- Jeff says that he can make it; Claire will double check
Will have one person to count the votes
can we get another person to help moderate?
Maybe Nathan??
Time limits:
3 minutes for candidate presentation
10 minutes for Q/A
10 minutes for Discussion
Checking for membership:
Membership must be before GM3
Give all of the qualified voters a ticket
How to check?
can check using SID
Austino can write a quick program to check
Should check that they are current students
Check at the door -> have a check in sign
Claire might not be able to be there
Officer Applications
Recall: Changing the officer requirements
Add a calendar to the website so people can find out our events
PB will need to enforce officer participation
Ana will send out the officer application tonight
- deadline is next Friday
If people do not comply with the officer requirements:
give them a warning
remind them that they will not be allowed officership next semester
Remove officers mid-semester?
Should make sure that companies know that we need 3-4 weeks to set up an event
UPE intersocial: two dates reserved; movie night and scavenger hunt
GM 1 Publicising: FB event, Flyers, In class Announcements, Piazza Post
Unix, Vim, C Refresher Publicising: FB event, In class announcement, Piazza Posts
Order food for GM1 (order Sunday; aim for 80 people, but check facebook event to be sure)
Send out a spreadsheet for Workshop helpers
Make a script to check the eligibility of voters
Add a note to the website to make sure that companies know that we need 3-4 weeks to put together an event
- Send out the officer application: Deadline is next Friday