2/17/15 Officer Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Claire Lieu, Ryan Erickson, Michelle Tian, Robert Chang, Megan, Jack Martin, Sanath, Jason, Youdong Zhang, Susanna Souv, Ana Shuler
Late: Alex Chu, Leo Wu, Colin, Chris
Pluses and Deltas
Good turnout
Good officer help out
clean up was great! Everyone was really nice
Nothing got lost
Lots of sign-ups -> worked really well next to the food
Lots of pictures were taken -> Good Job Michelle!
Work on how much food to order
a little more organization? Some traffic-jams
CSM Usage:
Want to use the room for 4 hours a week (Tu 2-3, 4-5, W 2-3, Th 4-5)
Will ask them to keep the door open at all hours that aren’t these four hours
Michelle will print a sign that for keeping the door open.
CFG (Jessie?)
Next monday
Jessie will make a contract
- won’t do anything until they pay us
Michelle will make flyers
Jessie: send Michelle stuff
ClimateCorp insists on doing on the same day as the startup fair, so Atilie is going to give it to another company
Samsung (2/26)
Ryan will contact company about foods/start time (5:30)
Will need to get the food here around 5 (Sliver?/Other Pizza?/let samsung chose)
aiming for around 120 people ( based on facebook)
can get a zipcar of borrow Jack’s -> will be borrowing Jack’s it looks like
GM #2
Need a speaker (Jessie) {Sanath has volunteered to talk!}
Megan will start planning in around 2 weeks
facebook page about it
- flyers? probably not
Leader of the Pac
Not really sure what is going on with this
Doesn’t seem to be something that we want to do
Ana will tell them that we don’t want to participate
- “this doesn’t match the goals of the CSUA”
**~~~ ICEBREAKER~~~**
- Name, year, major, favorite Ice cream flavor
Office Misc
Door was left open
Going to lock door at midnight, open at 8
Michelle will make a big-ass sign
Talk to door dude about how you can just pull it hard
Can we get a key reader?
office cleanliness
clean the keyboards
Tech-Chang could implement a ban-by-username
Office Cleaning Tomorrow (3/18) at 7:00
Fry’s run?
Want to go after next tuesday
Discussion after meeting
New Officers
- Jack Martin, Jason Tu, Chris Dinh, Youdong Zhang