2/3/15 CSUA Officer Meeting Minutes
- Tiffany/Andrew from CSM, Ana Shuler, Claire Lieu, Michelle Tian, Austin Kim, Ryan Erickson, Robert Chang, Megan is Sick :(, Jessie came late
Michael Davis might be cool to reserve a room for them
seems like they might be able to get some rooms on the second floor
- TAs use it for office hours
Why can’t they use rooms in other buildings?
Can’t use a big lecture hall b/c groups are too small
Andrew: Don’t have access
Not an official student group yet -> can officially start reserving rooms on Friday, 2/6/15
Will hopefully have everything sorted out by next week
Department wants to make the CSUA lounge more of an open space
Keep the door open
Miles and other people
Cool with letting CSM use the room for 2-3 hours a day (10 AM - 1 PM Daily)
Claire/other CSUA people have felt that it is awkward to try and use the room while CSM is in there
Usage stats?
- Lots of people use the room in the afternoon (2pm - midnight)
Having CSM in here discourages the use of the space by other students
Claire talked to two mentors who didn’t seem to understand that this was an open space
Ideally would not take the CSUA lounge
** Only should be for this week, and they will talk to us in the future if they need something
Claire asked Tiffany to talk to us directly if they need anything and to not go through Andrew
- Andrew apparently doesn’t want anything to explode
What about room 341B?
- We don’t know what it is used for; seems to be used by grad students and they can’t get access to it.
Suggest reserving rooms in Doe Library, Engineering Library, etc. SLC also has rooms for small group study
Hack 61A?
we don’t have a room yet; we need to wait until 61A goes over OOP
aiming for the week of 2/28, but on 3/1 there is a HAB hack
next Sat after that is Blueprint hack
After spring break?
maybe from 3-12 AM
Not a very good time.
Might be able to partner with HAB
Doesn’t look like there will be a hack 61A since we can’t get a room
Department Meeting (Student Leadership Meeting)
Claire went to the department meeting
Mostly talked about the HKN town hall survey
- used to generate responses to talk about it at faculty retreat
Still need to decide who will go to the faculty retreat
Thursday and Friday, April 23 and 24
Ryan might be able to make it
Cal Day
April 18th
Want to give tours to prospective freshman
- 10 - 3:30 PM
need volunteers to give Soda Hall tours with HKN and UPE
- only show them 2nd/3rd floor
information desk in front of HP to answer questions about CS/EECS
10 - 3:30 PM
just be nice and answer questions
need to make a list of volunteers
Need to send a spreadsheet to all officers/prospective officers
will give us a t-shirt. so come and help.
No gaming in the office on Cal Day (8AM - 8 PM)
Claire will be the main contact person for the event
will hold two panel sessions (3-4 PM); CSUA
Contact Dahlia directly
Ryan has volunteered as tribute
Claire is going to send out the volunteer list
Lecturer PSOE
Only need one student from every student group
want to get feedback on the lecturing style of the three applicants for a tenure spot
- Want to send the same people each time so that we can get consistent feedback
Claire went to the one for Josh Hug today
talked about some of the department logistics
gave a mini - mock lecture
Trying to decide who will go
Claire can go
Ryan might want to go more often
Startup Fair
Holding it on the 4th floor of Memorial Stadium
Ryan and Claire went to go look at the rooms today
can hold 50 companies; expecting 35-45
March 18th, 12 PM - 4 PM
Setup and 9 AM, clean up at 5 PM
Do not have rooms reserved yet
Ana will forward the volunteer sign up sheet to officers/prospective officers in a couple of weeks
Shirts will be ~~PURPLE~~
CSUA is in charge of all publicity things
- Posters/banners/balloons, etc
We had one the first time we did this
How could we figure out to run this?
Google form
- Have two people with laptops/ipads so people can sign up
last time was 1 iPad
we can think about this later too
Do we have any other contacts for companies/sponsors
- Jessie: talked to a start up and will ask about the startup fair
GM #1
Michelle can’t get facebook to cooperate -> won’t invite everyone in the group
Megan will order food soon
Kara is printing flyers tomorrow
Megan will write on boards
Food requests:
Chicken Bakes
Instant noodles (cup-o-noodles)
Dr. Pepper
Mountain Dew
Energy Drinks
Event Dates
Hackerank will get back to us (CFG)
20 or 27 of February
306 Soda -> couldn’t get Woz
HP will be for the beginning and the ending
- Coding can happen in 310 and 320
Microsoft Coding Competition
Jessie replied; no response yet
April 6
Microsoft Puzzle Challenge/Hack conflict
CSUA hack from 4/11 - 4/12
4 PM - 10 AM ??
then lunch/judging
could swap with alumni bbq (4/25 - 26)
puzzle challenge is on 4/11 as well, 8-5 PM
** Will check what time the puzzle challenge ends. Will hold it on the same day
Hack 61A
- Does not look like it is going to happen
Want to start other workshops
Advanced Vim workshop?
Chu/Collin needed; Robert will plan this event
only open to officers
Anyone who wants to help out/hold a workshop should talk to us
Office Misc
fix pl0x!!
Collin is MIA; have not been able to get a hold of him
Save us Collin! You’re our only hope!
Meeting time next week?
- 8-9 on Tuesdays
Put your office hours on the sheet people!