3/3/15 Officer Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Megan, Isabel, Ryan, Claire, Ana, Kara, Jeremy, Michelle, Youdong, Robert, Jason, Jessie is in Spain (lucky ducky)
Late Peeps: David
General Meeting 2:
Fooood: Urbann Turbann
about 40 people @ $7.50 per person
30 meat + 10 veggie
Drinks are in the back
volunteer sign up?
- looks good!
FB event?
Facebook is dumb - we can’t invite everyone if the group is larger than 250
Maybe we could make the event from the page?
Maybe we could put it in more groups
Opportunity to have ladies in STEM fields meet Tim Draper
- invited to attend a tech talk in San Mateo sometime in April
Mounza is in charge of the event
Want different student groups to get the name out
Seems like the main thing is they want us to promote their App
Do we want to host with them -> does CSUA want to be a beta user of the App?
We would have to put our events on this app
$1 per referral
Seems kinda like they want endorse their app
we could just send their facebook events to members
- this seems fine
We don’t really want to try and use their app
Anyone want to do this?
They would need to create a profile and post to the App every time we want to have an event
Would be able to keep track of who comes to our events
- would give some data on who came
Supposed to replace a “sign-in” process
We are okay with publicizing the event, but we don’t really want to work with them on this app
We suggested that they contact more of the lady-oriented clubs on campus (SWE, AWE, etc.)
- supposed to be working with one of the Sororities that are associated with EECS
Decision: We will publicize the event and send out an email blast, but we won’t try to work with the App
The event will be hosted on Memorial glade from 11-3 on Pi Day
We were interested in tabling - do we still want to do it?
They also do the Pi Day video competition, etc.
Pretty sure that we are only really interested in tabling.
We will need some volunteers!
Megan will make a sign-up sheet
Need at least two people per shift!
Side Note: Ordering banner/tablecloth?
banner could be better because we could use it in more situations
tablecloth is good when we are tabling
will decide later
Hack ++ with ASUS
could hold it this Sunday or April 26th
- Decided the 26th
Megan will acquire foods and snacks
LAN Party
Will be hosted on April 24th
we will provide hardware (computers and games, etc.)
Megan will make a signup sheet
Tech Chang
make sure pnunez account works on all Windows partitions
make sure we have wired AirBears
Need to make sure that we have everything catalogued before we go up
Megan will talk to HKN about setting up around 5:30
Infosessions with Zynga
3/19; we don’t yet have a time nailed down
- Ryan will sort things out this week
UCB Startup Fair
Claire is ordering T-shirts today
See the volunteer sign up sheet
Going to create a map starting next week
- going to be pretty busy
Looking for someone who can drive ~100 balloons on the day of
Office Misc
Mail pooped itself
we were messing with NSF
we had some drives that weren’t right
we borked it - they wanted to rebuild all of the discs
- We don’t use any of the internal drives
Keyboard cleaning
Tech Chang will borrow Colin’s key remover
Tech Chang will send out a date by tonight
- perhaps next week Tuesday (two at a time)
Ana will order a new Key Remover
Vodka has been having blue screen problems
- Tech chang will take care of it
Sound Issues
Every computer but Water should have monitor sound
Tech chang will check to see if it is a monitor
Cleaning Issues
Frosted Glass CSUA banner
- David might make us one!
Light above Rum is out
- Ana will go talk to the front desk about getting it fixed
Megan wants to re-do the whiteboard in the lounge
- we want to keep the asylum bit
Gotta make sure that the door is open
Tell people!
If there is group work going on in the lounge, sometimes people will ask them to close the door