4/14/15 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Jeremy, Ana, Ryan, Claire, Tech Chang, Susana, Jason, Austin
Lateeeeee: Megan
Hackathon +/Deltas
Pretty good turnout
good on the food aspect
we had good officer help
really cool projects!
a lot of the attendees were satisfied
got 3 judges from industry
lots of sponsors
Some more people turned up after dinner
Should start Friday instead?
maybe do a little bit better with publicity/facebook spam
no one was able to make it to 61c to make a class announcement
email blast for hack
announce to really popular upper div classes?
wanted something more for 3AM snacks
- not sure if this was b/c of volume or variety
lead a workshop?
CalDay (4/18)
Meet in front of HP if you’re signed up to help!
Super important!
No streaming/No Anime!
Board games are okay
Clean the office Friday
Make a sign
LAN Party (4/24)
check that wired airbears works
Megan/Tech Chang will check tomorrow
should check to make sure that no one is using the Woz
Tech Chang needs to make sure the switch works
- Find the power supply!
Office cleaning!
- while all the computers and stuff are out
Make a list of things that are being taken to the event and log the equipment taken
Megan will make a sign up sheet and send it out
Tech-Chang needs to check to make sure that Pnunez works on all computers
We won’t have Blueprint
HKN should bring snacks
- snack list: (cold) drinks, more chips, cookies,
Alumni BBQ (4/25)
Megan sent out the volunteer list today
buy list in the folder
- Claire will go to costco and get all the things
No gaming from 12-2
- go meet some of the alumni
- no, it’ll probably be okay
two volunteers need to show up at 11:15 to help Jeremy cook
GM 3 (5/1)
Any amendments to the constitution?
Michelle needs to post/spam facebook events
Any officers that want to run for PB should talk to current PB members
Office Misc
Ana might go this weekend
Can go next Tuesday
New Officer
Tech Stuff
Check that the switch is working
make sure that wired airbears in the Woz works as expected
make sure that the Pnunez accounts work on all Windows partitions
make sure that Pnunez works on Linux
- All by Saturday!!
do we want to give them out at events?
do we want to give them to officers?
Food Lists/Buy Lists
- make sure that we take notes on everything that we buy for events.
Office cleaning on Friday
send out email reminding officers to talk with current PB about PB
Return the un-used hack prizes
send out the alumni email and post in IRC
check that Pnunez works on all the computers
check that the switch works
check that the wired airbears works as expected
Get Woz access for
food for GM 3
make/send out a sign up sheet for LAN party
- send out email blast/spam facebook groups for GM 3