4/28/15 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Claire, Ana, Ryan, Tech Chang, Jeremy, Michelle, Jason, Sanath, Jessie, Susana
Lateeeeee Peeeeeeps: Eranda
Lan Party
HKN helped set up -> Use them in the future
lots of people brought their own computers
Sanath is awesome! (some intersocietal mingling)
- Smash!!
There were some people playing board/card games
Good officer help setup/cleanup
Office cleaning went really well
No lost equipment
HKN didn’t help clean up at all
CSUA peeps took the computers for most of the time
HKN shoulda brought more food
Alumni BBQ
Put up directional signs
We had enough food
good officer help (aside from people being late)
Colin was really helpful
Almost all of the setup crew were late
not enough hot dogs/sausages
Make sure we put up signs earlier
- and take them down
Not enough Alumni and student mixing
let the event go too long -> had to keep an officer in the Woz for a while
ASUS Gaming for Good
The money that we collected was good! ($89)
Turnout was good (~40)
Amount of pizza was just right
Raffel was good! Lots of good prizes
Jeff had to clean up everything himself (and Jong too)
Not enough people at the end
The goal wasn’t super clear
We weren't sure what the event was going to be
Make sure that we get the mission statement from the person
Snacks ran out really fast
Internal/External events needed to figure out who is in charge
GM #3 (5/1)
Megan is working to make sure that we have vegi foods
People like Chinese food!!
Facebook Event
- Michelle will publicize in different groups by Wednesday
PB Retreat
Claire will send out a when2meet
current PB needs to be there for the first two hours
Intern Mixer (5/6)
publicize the event
- Michelle: send out an email blast!
De-Stress Breakfast
- Date: Wednesday, 5/6
Time: 11 AM - 2 PM
Place: Breezeway
- Claire will talk to the department about reserving the room
Noah’s Bagels
Office Misc
Email Replying
Job Emails?
- Michelle has sent out a few; Do we have enough to send out more?
Office Cleaning
do we want to put a sign on the door reminding people to throw away things
Megan will draw a saaaad puppy
Sanath will make a sign to put on the door
Possibility of locking the back room
maybe put a key in the cash drawer?
lock only at certain times?
maybe a lock box to put the key in?
talk about putting a camera/fake camera in the back
The “Beware of Dog” sign
Faculty Retreat/Gifts
Usually get gifts for the faculty
thank you dinner?
- during Finals week?
Who will we invite
Brian Harvey
Chris Hunn
3rd advisor in Cory (Sarah Von Nostrad)
John DeNero
Josh Hug
Room Assignment Dude (Michael David Sasson)
Date: (check with faculty)
send out a when2meet?
give them a list of days?
To be Determined
Food: (yummy restaurant food)
in the Woz and catering?
La Med
Time: Lunch/Dinner
money is going missing from the cash drawer
make sure that there is enough change in the drawer
make sure to clear out the drawer once/twice a day
possibility of using venmo for money?
make a bigger sign for the fridge
Computer screws
- Tech Chang will figure it out with Sanath
can we get wifi for the office?
need to talk to the department
- make sure that there are vegi options at GM 3
publicize GM 3 in all of the facebook groups
send out one email about GM 3
- talk to Claire about the email list
send out email plast about the Intern Mixer
Facebook for the De-stress Breakfast
Talk to Michelle about the email list
Reserve Rooms
Send out the when to meet for the PB Retreat
- Make a sign for the fridge about the money