Attendance: Robert, Claire, Ana, Michelle, Jessie, Ryan, Youdong, Jeremy, Megan
Lateylates: Eranda, Leo, Austino, Sanath
Lots of people showed up
UPE brought a lot of candidates
Good officer helpers
BBQ is hard, lol. Have people who know how to light grill
Start grilling a little bit earlier
didn’t buy enough food
the two student groups didn’t really mingle too much
- maybe because there were so man UPE people
Any sort of icebreaker we could do?
Microsoft CFG:
Lots of people - good turnout!
- a good number of people stayed to the end (30 people)
lots of people won prizes (3-way tie for 3rd, 1 for 2nd, 1 for 1st)
Good help from the officers
clean up went smoothly
people mostly cleaned up after themselves
There could have been more food (+3 more pizzas)
Make sure that we have more power strips
Edison has confirmed from Microsoft
Meraki is going to send 2 people
Jessie will double check
Find out what they want us to provide (lunch, beverages, etc)
Ryan has 3 parking spots for judges
Buy list? yes
Ryan is ready to order things
will do Wednesday Morning
Aiming for about 100 people right now
Midnight sushi?
would like to do it.
Ryan will check how much it will cost
Estimated total (w/out sushi) is $1572
- Dinner, snack, 3 AM snack, brunch
Ana/Ryan will send out the hackathon signup sheet again
Wifi issues?
we don’t seem to be able to do anything about the slowness
tell the department not to kill the airbears if the load is too big
Tech Chang will talk to Iris about airbears
Class Announcements:
Ryan and Megan are going to do class announcements
Denaro said okay: 61A at 2 PM in Wheeler
Hug hasn’t responded: 2PM in 1 Pimentel 3 PM in Wheeler
61C: 3:30 in Pimentel
Michelle will spam Piazza
do we want to make piazza posts in upper divisions?
Up to Michelle
Check with Kara
Tshirts are here and in the back for people who have signed up
Will have Soda tours and help desk
- If interested, come to the office (10AM to 6 PM)
GM #3:
- May 1, 2015
We need to send out an email to the members
- need 2 weeks in advance to change the constitution
Create a FB event tonight
Send the email for GM3 soon!
- send to all of the members
Megan can start planning
- turnout is generally pretty low because of elections
Alumni BBQ:
Internal event
Megan will create a buy list
aim for 35-40 people
make sure that we have everything
make sure we have someone who knows how to use the grill
- Jeremy!
Megan will send out a volunteer list
Claire will remind the Alumni via email
LAN Party
Megan emailed the different groups, just haven’t gotten a response
is there a way to get more blueprint members?
some people are worried about turnout
CSUA and HKN had lots of people coming out
Megan looked into wired airbears
- emailed and waiting for a response
Intersocietal Meeting:
Claire and Michelle talked to other student groups
Tshirt drive:
collect tech Tshirts from people who don’t want them
do something with time (donate, etc)
would like to coordinate between all of the student groups
Get non-CS hacking:
put on workshops for non-majors
also aligns with department interest to create a non-major CS course
Winter Formal
- want to make it for all student orgs
Office Misc:
Root Day:
Thursday 10-12, 380 Soda
Anyone interested in Root stuff should attend
Show up if you signed up!
do we still want to sell them?
want hackathon volunteers to wear them
- give to the volunteers for free
- can we stop using the nice keyboard?
- double check with Meraki with judges for the hackathon
Order food Wednesday Morning
Make Hackathon class announcement
Figure out how much money that Sushi will cost
Send out officer sign up sheet again
Make class announcement for the Hack
make a buy list for the alumni BBQ
Make a volunteer list for the Alumni BBQ
Spam Pizza/Facebook about the Hackathon tonight
check with Kara to see if we have done upper division courses in the past
Make a Facebook event for GM3
Send out an email to all members about amending constitution, etc.
- remind the Alumni about the BBQ
- Send out the hackathon sign up sheet to officers via facebook
Tech Chang:
Talk to Iris about the airbears for hackathon
Make sure Pnunez works on all of the computers