9/7/15 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Ana, Claire, Sanath, Neil, Leo, Susana, Austino, Eranda, Megan, Jeremy
Unix Workshop
Pluses and Deltas
Midsize -> good amount of people
presentation was pretty good
people asked a lot of questions
could have paced the workshop better
- Just move on if only a few people don’t get it
Don’t have snacks next time
exercises were put up late
Vim Workshop
Pluses and Deltas
Turn out was pretty good
Kara, Claire, Megan helped out a lot
presentation was good
exercises were good
Not enough help?
release the exercises beforehand so officers can learn them
PDT Techtalk (9/10 7-8 PM):
send out an email to all of the members
Close the office when we go?
- Megan could kick out anyone who’s in the office at the time
Need to create incentives to go to events
- “stars” or something to become eligible to go to another event
DeepForest Media (9/11 5-7 PM ):
Eranda will put the event on facebook
They want Sliver and Soda
- Megan and Claire will figure that one out
Any way to try and publicize more?
probably not, just a small company.
A lot of freshman might show up anyway
Eranda will just spam on the fb group
could ask Atalie to try and get her to send out a reminder for the students
Brightedge Techtalk(9/11 7-8):
Contract: being sent out tomorrow morning
flyers are being designed and sent to us by tomorrow
room is good
about 100 people on the FB event
Need to get a table to put in front of HP
Need to get a key to HP
Going to start at 7 and just tell them about “BerkeleyTime”
Hackerrank World Cup (9/12):
Contract: Being sent out tomorrow morning
Eranda has the flyers
Hackerrank is bringing their own swag
How is the TechTalk going to work?
It is going to be the world cup, but we have the same responsibilities we would if we had a tech talk
This is a six hour event: how does that change the event
do we need to do snacks?
The main event is to be the world cup?
Jason will ask about what kind of timeline they’re looking for
Tentative Timeline:
10 AM: WorldCup
12 PM: Tech talk and Lunch
1 PM: Hack some more
(Snack in between?)
4 PM: Event ends
We need to decide how much we should spend on snacks
if we were to do pizza, it would be ~$7 per person
aim for 150 people
lets not do pizza -> GYPSYS
We need to change this to a CFG -> Providing food over a longer period of time
Ana and Claire will pick up snacks from Costco
Intuit Tech Talk (9/18 7:30 - 8:30(?))
Contract being sent out tomorrow morning
Provide flyers and swag
we do catering and social media publicity
Eranda will make a fb event
Jason will figure out what they’re talking about to help make the fb event
Meraki Infosession (9/22 7:30 (?) - 8:30)
Need to check with the Student group about the XRG event
- Megan will email on Friday
Contract: Being sent out tomorrow
Eranda should have the flyers
Facebook event next week
Food ordered by Sunday (9/20)
Intuit Hackathon (9/25 - 9/27 8 PM - 11:30 PM)
Contract is in progress; waiting on Phi Sigma Rho to figure things out
How much do we wanna ask for?
We need to do 3 meals (2 large + 1 small) -> $2000
Drinks and Snacks -> $700
Room Reservation -> $200
Posters and Expenses -> $100
Ask for about $4k for the event
- if PSR thinks this is unfair, we could print the posters and give it to them
Phi Sigma Rho is providing publicity
- will check if they’re sending anyone to help out with the event
9 PM Friday: Hacking Start
3 PM Saturday: Hacking End
3-4 PM Saturday: Presentations
4-4:30 PM Saturday: Judging and prizes
5 PM Saturday: Event end
We need to check with Atalie to see if we could get the Woz reservation any earlier?
Office Misc:
Shouldn’t let people eat at the computers without plates, napkins, etc
Do we have a solution for people who damage the equipment?
- not let them game?
Space on Sake; Ctrl on Mead are both sticky
perhaps we need a list of people to take special care with
Figure out the Costco run with Claire
Bright Edge
File those damn reimbursements woman!
Front money for the DeepForest infosession by Wednesday/Thursday
Figure out the Costco run with Ana
email out a reminder for the PDT tech talk
Print out the Hackerrank flyers
Print out the Brightedge flyers
push the facebook events into other groups
Make the Intuit Techtalk FB event by Thursday
Make the facebook event for the Intuit Hackathon by Friday
- Piazza post as well
Create the FB event for the Meraki Infoession next Monday (9/14)
- Fix the mailing lists
Check with Atalie about fyers from PDT?
Order food for the DeepForest infosession
Ask Atalie to send out a reminder for the DeepForest infosession
- Also ask her to advertise Brightedge
Ask the department for two tables outside of HP before Friday afternoon (Chris)
Order Thai food for Bright edge
Order Gypsys for Hackerrank
talk with the student group about the XRG event that overlaps with the Intuit techtalk
Talk to Intuit about the tech talk
ask for $4k
check with PhiSigmaRho about what they are going to do
Check with Atalie to see if we could get the Woz reservation any earlier for the Intuit Hackathon
Get Woz access for the Hackerrank event
Email the student group about the Meraki Infosession overlap by Friday
Timeline for the CSUA Hackathon for Meraki
- how long, what kinda of prizes, time of food, judges, etc.
- Add dates and times to all of the contracts
Send out the Brightedge Techtalk Contract
Send out the Hackerrank Contract
ask Hackerrank for a timeline for the event
Change this to more of a CFG event (make sure to explain why)
ask if we are going to provide snacks
Send Megan the contact with Phi Sigma Rho for the Intuit hackathon
Talk to Intuit about what exactly they’re talking about
try to get this by Thursday
Get flyers by Thursday
Make sure PSR sends back the contract by Thursday
Send out the Meraki Infosession contract
Check to see if Meraki is going to sponsor our CSUA Hackathon
Check to see if Microsoft would like to sponsor the CSUA Hackathon