Here: Daniel, Ben, Mark, Ani, Sophie, Ray, Jessica, Robert, JT, Starr, Nithin, Barak, Justin, Ben, Sean, Andy, Charles, Jeffrey, Chong-Min, Alex, Ben, Varun, Charles, Sagnick
Calapalooza - 8/30
Jessica did great with the flyers
Helpers did great!
Swag worked, brought in a lot of people - lots of emails
Need better attendance!
More fliers needed
GM #1 - 8/31
Thai food status: ordered
2 veggies, 1 regular dish, expecting 60-80 people
A bit late on GM1, no concrete numbers.
Similar to welcome social, more about what we do business.
Need to create/push FB events
- For PB: coordinate communication for event management
Riot Games - 9/5
Advertising should be pushed harder
Yelp - 9/6
Doing their own catering
Ask them about co-hosting FB event
Need to push this ASAP, get details cleared up
LaTeX soon
Most schedulings delayed due to HP/Woz booking conflicts
Attendance is generally very low, LaTeX might have more
LaTeX is highest priority
Welcome back, children
Officers should have door code + everything now
Officer training is required - date TBD, snacks/agenda?
Startup Fair
Talks w/ IEEE and HKN
- Doing more fliers
Paste em everywhere, Soda bulletin boards are OK - Yelp
Hand them out to people as they come in
For the love of God, please be clean
Office cleanup today
Whip people into shape
Something went wrong with the GPU cluster
Mark fixed it
Introduction to the PB!
- Daniel: Pres, Mark: VP Tech, Ani: Internal, Ray: Sec/Treas, Sophie: External, Jessica: Outreach, Ben: VP Indrel
EECS Freshman
CSUA is a cool place to hang out, good place to meet new people interested in CS/EECS/whatever
Not too sure about what being an officer means, but interested + applying
Sinclair -> Imitation Game owo
Mech E Sophomore
CSUA is cool, cool people
Hug -> Penguins of Madagascar
Not sure if wants to be an officer just yet
Math, CS Sophomore
Been here for a year, thinks it’s pretty cool
Wants to help out here b/c it’s like IEEE: help the EECS community
Anant Sahai -> Inception
Ben Chen
CS, Spanish(!) Sophomore
Only half a year, but loves CS
Want to talk to similar people
No friends from last semester :(
Why officership: want to help out at events and tutoring
Take Hilfinger -> Twilight
Sophomore, just got into CS
Clubs are stuck up, have professional level
Friendly club <3
Officership: like club, want to help more
Anant Sahai the matrix
Sagnick ?
Why CSUA? 8 Pascal GPUs
Walked in, people were friendly: Ani was friendly <3
Like the vibes
Other infosessions: insulated, pretend to be better (elitist)
Why officership:
- Athena
Charles: Freshman, intended CS
Why CSUA: I heard about CSUA, walked in before my first CS class.
Ani was there. Talked. Ani is so nice <3
Want to contribute: so be an officer
DeNero to British movie because IDK